Chapter 26

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"Jaemin! My dear!" 

The caramel haired had barely made it to the door when it was thrown open and in less than five seconds, he was wrapped in a hug. A hug that he used to adore. One that he would’ve normally melted into but now, he felt like he was just on the surface.

One where he was suffocating and distanced, only the surfaces of their bodies touching. Nothing like one where he could hug and feel as if they just fused into one entity.

No. Now he felt those hugs with Renjun and Jeno. Hugs with them were his comfort and if he thought he could pretend things with his Mother would be alright, he could see now that it'd never be the same.

"Hello, Mother. How've you been?"

"Oh, just fine, but enough about me! Bring them in! Hope you guys are hungry. Your Father even returned early from work."

Slowly they emerged from the vehicle, Jaemin watching fondly as Renjun and Jeno stuck together closely, almost scared to approach him which he thought was adorable.

They'd be there for a week. One week and that would be the only time they'd have to hide their relationship. Then the moment they'd be back on the road, they could hug and kiss and cuddle all they wanted. Hold hands and be morbidly affectionate. Jaemin would take countless pictures and keep them as his memories.

Day one and it was stiff but hey, Jaehyun was home and he was great at making everything seem normal. Taeyong was there, to Jeno's surprise, but he was delighted to see his brother and to add on to Jaemin’s immense surprise, his Mother knew Jaehyun and Taeyong were dating.

He had found out in the most surprising of ways. Not knowing his parents were aware in the first place.

They had been there two days already, the third day just arriving when Jaemin awoke to see the ceiling of his all too familiar room, sandwiched between his boyfriends as he smiled.

It had taken very subdued convincing that they could sleep in his room on his bed with him and that the other five could sleep in the guest room. Taeyong seemed to just automatically be stationed in Jaehyun's room and that should've been enough for Jaemin to be suspicious but he didn't say anything, simply assuming his brother had done the same type of convincing.

Jaemin had said Renjun and Jeno were his best friends and they roomed together, that they helped him study and that them not staying with him would be sad because he thought they were good friends and liked their company. He threw in a whole whack of bologna to make it convincing and finally, his Mother said it was okay and there was no need for an extra sponge if he could find a way to make them fit.

Internally, he cheered victoriously but externally, he simply nodded with a tiny smile.

That third morning he had woken up and headed to the bathroom to wash up, his boyfriends following behind shortly after and together they made their way to the kitchen to cook themselves food.

Mrs Na wandered in shortly after, followed by a sleepy Jaehyun who originally just wanted water but remained after Jaemin offered him food.

It was simple. Pancakes and some fruits but it was a classic and that was all that mattered. Quietly they ate their food, eyes still waking up as Jaemin took a seat between his lovers.

"Jaehyun, why don't you get your boyfriend to eat as well?" Mrs Na commented from the sink where she was washing an apple.

"What?!" Jaemin exclaimed, coughing on his deadly coffee.

Whether he was coughing at the bitter taste or at what his Mother said, it was understandable why he was sputtering but to which reason, no one knew.

"He didn't tell you?" Mrs Na asked, her eyebrow raised as she glanced at Jaehyun.

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