Chapter Nine: Breaking Down

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Leo wasn't exactly sure how he had gotten here. He was seated on a bench in a different room, the scent of blood and alcohol lingering in the air. Somewhere in between the arena and here, he had lost his sash and belt altogether. A yokai, this one with goat-like eyes and pink fur, was smearing ointment onto his burnt hand, silent except for a slight tsking sound they made every so often. He flinched each time the yokai touched him, the stranger's gaze focused on Leo's injuries, all the while wrapping bandages around his hands and elbows with quick, precise movements. So far they hadn't even said a single word to him since they had walked in.

Leo shifted, resting his chin on his non-burnt hand. The cuts on it stung. He probably deserved the pain, though. He probably deserved whatever was going to happen to him when he inevitably flopped the next match. At least his brothers weren't here- maybe they'd never have to know what he did, what he was probably going to have to do.

At least they wouldn't have to see him lose and end up just like-

The snake's eyes glazed over.

Why wouldn't his thoughts just shut up-

"Hey! Hey, Green? Hello?" A small black hand waved frantically in front of his face, and Leo blinked several times, suddenly remembering to take a shaky breath. His focus snapped back into place like an old rubber band. "Heya, champ!" Huginn greeted him, wings flapping as he hovered in place. "Great first match! I mean, truly, that was inspiring. I just wanted to..." he trailed off as Leo turned away, the only thing stopping him from getting up and walking away altogether being the tight grip the goat yokai had on his burnt hand.

"Uh, are you good?" Huginn finally asked, tilting his head to the side. "You didn't look that badly injured. Or, I mean, not badly injured compared to some of the matches I've seen this past week. You would not believe the awesome way some of these guys are willing to just-"

Leo glowered at him, and waved his good hand in a shooing motion. He had forgotten he had one of Draxum's gargoyles watching his every move.

"...go for it. Wow, someone sure is testy today. Fine, fine," he said. "I'm sure a big star like you has better things to spend their time on, but I did have some notes about how that match went. You know, nothing super important, but I think that Baron Draxum ain't gonna like you cheating," he said, clasping his hands together expectantly as he turned to look at Leo. "Now, don't get me wrong, I think that was like seriously awesome and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time- really love that cool move and all, but I just don't think Draxum was intending for you to use his tech like that?" he asked hypothetically, scratching his head. "Do you know what I mean? I would just suggest that you maybe win with your swords, you know, classic style."

Leo tried to ignore him, instead focusing his attention on how he wished that there was water somewhere. His throat still felt raw, although he wasn't sure if it was from being electrocuted or if he had just spent so much energy during the match that he was now dehydrated. The room felt uncomfortable, as it was just cold enough that he shivered slightly, his body still soaked with sweat.

Huginn stared at him for a moment longer before scowling slightly, crossing his arms. "Come on, can't you give me something like a nod or a thumbs-up, this is kind of like talking to a brick wall," he complained. "I mean, really, you think that you would at least try and communicate with me." Leo froze, his toes curling slightly as he forced himself to stay still. "Without Muninn, it's actually quite difficult to keep any decent banter going. And if Draxum is upset, then I have to face him all by myself about this."

Communicate with him? He wanted Leo to... communicate with him? Yeah, sure, how about he just tell him to go away or oh no, wait, that wasn't an option. So how about maybe bringing him a pad of paper which he could hold with his burnt hand- oh, oh maybe that wouldn't be such a great idea either. But even the irritation was- it was good, it was something else to focus on for the moment. It kept his thoughts from sliding back into the rest of this whole situation.

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