Both 41

144 13 0

***"...these four lonely walls have changed the way I feel, the way I feel, I'm standing still. Nothing else matters now you're not here so where are you? I've been calling you. I'm missing you. Where else can I go? And where else can I go? Chasing you. Chasing you. Memories turn to dust please don't bury us, I got you, I got you. Running running running.... I'm running from myself no more together we aint waited all..."***

When I woke up I was on the couch in the lounge and the two officers above me. I almost screamed until I remember I passed out. My body hurt almost like I fell.
Sikhulu: Mrs. Bess you had a pretty nasty fall
"I'm here"
That was no doubt Asemahle. I knew her voice all too well
Her: What's a police van doing outside ou... uhhhm hello.
She said dumbstruck
Them: Hello Miss
Ase: what's going on?
Me: you were saying about Melo?
Ase: what about Melo?
They looked at me and then at Ase
Me: she's his sister. What's going on with my husband? Is he ok?
Sikhulu: We just found his car on the side of the road with a broken window and none of his belongings in it. We think someone robbed him and he probably managed to get away
Me: if he did get away then he would be here right now. What are you not telling me?
Sikhulu the next worst case is that he might have been killed and his body dumped elsewhere
Ase: excuse me? if you think he's dead then why the hell aren't you out there looking for him?
Nyoko: Miss Bess we understand your concern but we figured we should let you know
Me: and I appreciate that but my husband is alive. That much I know. Find him
Nyoko: do you have any possible suspects? No one just disappears
Ase: you damn right so look for him.
Sikhulu: we would like to ask you a few questions Mrs. Bess
Ase: why?
Me: why?
Sikhulu: just for surety Mrs. Bess, we often have cases where the wife has something to do with their husband's disappearance
I chuckled in disbelief and so did Asemahle
Ase: you can't ask my sister anything without her having a lawyer present. And lucky her she married a lawyer and I am a daughter of one of the most respected judges in this country so we know her rights
Nyoko: if you have nothing to hide Mrs. Bess then I'm sure a few questions wouldn't hurt right
Me: get out.
Sikhulu: Mrs. Bess we just doing our jobs
Me: my husband could be dead and you are here accusing me of having something to do with him disappearing. Are you fucking with me? leave my house
Nyoko: we will be back Mrs. Bess
Me: when you come back bring my husband with you.
They walked out. I was so pissed and so was Asemahle. How could these fools even think that I would have anything to do with my husband disappearing? Maybe that's why I've been so sick, maybe my body was trying to tell me that something bad had happened to my better half. I grabbed the food from the table and started eating. Asemahle looked at me
Me: what?
Her: were you that hungry?
Me: like I said. I haven't been able to stomach anything today
Her: you really love him huh?
Me: is that even a question?
Her: of cause not. I know you love him and you two have some kind of connection
Me: Asemahle is it weird that I had a dream about him, like something bad had happened to him and then the next day I have cops telling me that they found his car on the side of the road
Her: nothing's wrong with that. It just means you can feel the things that happen to your husband. Let me call dad and tell him what's going on. If anyone can find him, its dad
I just nodded and she walked out to call her father while I stuffed myself with my wings that's had vinegar on them. God they were heavenly. It then dawned on me that Melo might be dead or something and here I was stuffing myself with food. I just cried. Asemahle walked in and she just pulled me to her arms and she cried with me. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I cry a lot and am an emotional wreck. We heard Siya's voice
Him: somebody explain to me please
Anita just walked up to me and pulled me to her arms
Ase: Melo's missing
Siya: yeah I got that much from you message. How? When?
Ase: you asking me. the cops came today a few hours' back
Siya: what's uncle saying?
Ase: says he's on it
I won't lie I was frustrated. How does a person go missing? An old person to be specific. Whoever took him knew very well that it would scare me. I couldn't help but think that caller had something to do with my husband missing. Now I just needed to know what exactly it was that he wanted from me or Melo. It couldn't possibly be cash that much I knew.
So Yaya and I haven't seen each other in like a month now and I won't lie it's been hell but I'm respecting her and making sure that she's doing great at a distance. So my father, Siya's dad, Siya and I thought it would be best to rattle this guy up and as hard as it was we finally got to him because he finally made a move. We know who the guy that called was and just when we thought we got him we reached we hit a dead end. I guess he's one of those that you find when they want you to find him so we had Banz put a tracker on me in case he tried something and lucky me or sadly but nigga did try something and here I was in his basement or whatever it was. I was driving around Pretoria when my car was jacked and this person made it a point to hit me really hard to a point I blacked out. It's been three days now since I last had food or felt the sun's heat on my skin. I haven't even seen the guy's face. He just comes in and roughs me up a little and then leave. It's been hell. Today he walked in without a mask or anything on his face. It was some guy I have never met before. I looked up at him and he had a smug on his face.
Him: how does it feel to be weak?
Me: who are you?
Him: how the mighty have fallen
Me: who are you?
He chuckled that annoying evil laugh people in movies normally make.
Him: you and Yaya thought you could play me huh
Me: what do you want?
He chuckled
Him: oh Melo. How can you even ask me that? Isn't it obvious what I want?
Me: what do you want from us?
Him: you and who?
Me: my family. Me and my wife. You killed my daughter and her nanny. Wasn't that enough?
He chuckled. I looked at him confused
Him: you still don't get it do you. I want you to lose everything just like I did
I looked at him still confused. What was this guy talking about?
Me: and what does Yaya naked have to do with it?
Him: she has a hot body. Duh!
Obviously! It's the first thing I ever noticed about her before her amazing personality. Just kidding!
Me: why go through all of this? Why not just end me once and for all?
Him: she tried to kill herself because of you and instead she ended up not able to have any children. Because of you. You then went on to kill her
It all made a little bit of sense as to who he was talking about. He was talking about Miranda but I never drove her to suicide nor did I make her unable to have kids. That's a decision she took on her own.
Him: I wanted you to have it all so you could watch it all fall apart. You were never going to be happy. You killed her without a conscience. You didn't even apologize to her family. I wanted you to suffer the same way you made me and her family suffer Bess
Me: your problem is with me and not Yandiswa. Please just leave her out of it because she didn't do anything wrong here.
Him: you think? She fell for you. Miranda was my girlfriend and things between were going good until you came into the picture. You see your wife has every bit to do with this as much as you do. I was willing to drop it, that night at the hotel cause I thought she had left you but when I saw her with her bags. I knew she was going back to you
Me: I wronged you. I killed your girlfriend or whatever she was to you and I'm sorry but it was an accident. I didn't mean for it to happen
Him: a deliberate accident. She didn't do anything to you. She didn't deserve to die.
Me: my daughter didn't deserve to die!
He chuckled. I was annoyed and angry and wanted to get my hands on him but I couldn't get free from the cuffs on my wrists behind my back.
Him: now she, she was just collateral damage. That accident was meant for your wife
Me: you not going to get away with this
Him: you don't get it. I already have. You see your daughter is dead. And soon your wife will be too
Me: just tell me what it is you want and you can have it
Him: at first I wanted her to leave you but nothing you do is ever enough to make her leave. I don't get it. I wanted you to suffer and feel the pain I felt when my sister left to come back to you. How she gave it all up just to be with you. You see you've always had it your way. You've always had this hold over her. She was willing to die if she didn't have you. Had your wife... Girlfriend at the time not been in the way then she would have had you and you would have her child by now but you. Selfish Derrick Bess just had to lead her to her death.
Me: please. I'm begging you. Kill me and just let Yaya be. You saying she suffered because of Yaya being in my life right? Kill me and let Yaya be the one to suffer. Let Yaya go through the misery your sister went through
He kept quiet probably thinking about what I was suggesting. I'm a lawyer after all. One of the things we learn is to get out of problems. I know how to talk my way out of trouble
Him: so you would let your wife die with depression just like that? To lose her daughter and husband in the same year... Interesting. Then I won't have to kill her, she'll just do it herself
He smiled to himself pleased with what I had suggested. At least my wife would be safe from him. I meant it when I said I would die before letting anything happen to her.
Him: I'll be back
He walked out and left me in the dark room with nothing but my thoughts. I kept praying that Yaya was safe and that God was protecting her wherever she was. I couldn't lose her. She couldn't die because of me. We've already lost our daughter because of me, I can't lose her too... If I even, make it out of here alive.

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