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I woke up with loads of people around me we were in a small room there were wires and cords connected to me and my head hurt. Then everything comes back how John b came and brought RAFE and how he went to punch him but I got in the way and he punched me instead and the last thing I saw was black. I looked  around liv jumped out her seat followed by kiara pope jj and finally RAFE.

B-where am I

L- Brooke are u okay someone go get a doctor.

B-What happened

K- Brooke you have been in a coma for weeks

B- what where is John b

P- he has been missing since he bunched you

B- oh

I couldn't help but think about John b and what would've happened if he didn't bring RAFE and if I never texted him to come over. The doctor comes in and does a check

D- hello Brooke I'm doctor smith and I have been giving you all the care you need over the last couple weeks. I'm just going to do a few checks and then you will get an mri scan and then if we get the all clear you you should be able to go home Tomorrow

B- thanks doc

She does some tests and Takes me to a small dark room. And does my MRI and takes
Me to my room to rest.

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