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A/N: I updated the trigger warnings (chapter 0) please go read them bc I completely changed where I was going with this ff


Over the next few days Jeongin's mind wandered back over to what Seungmin said to him that night. Usually right before he fell asleep or when he had free time, he would think about what might've happened if Seungmin hadn't've back away.

Sure, friends flirt platonically but what they said and almost did that night couldn't so easily be labeled as platonic. Jeongin was trying to lean in for fucks sake, he wanted to kiss him. And he made Seungmin so uncomfortable that he had to walk away. Fuck, there was no good explination to what happened.

Now Seungmin is going to hate him.

"You alright?" Felix asked "You've been a little distracted these past few days" Jeongin looked up at him before going back onto his phone to turn it off.

"Yup- or- actually.." he hesitated.

"I tried to- nevermind" he groaned and put his head into his hands. He wanted to say a million things all at once but he just couldn't figure out a way to say anything. What did he think he was gonna say? Oh yeah, I wanted to kiss my bestfriend and probably made him extremely uncomfortable. And it was a guy, Oh and he's also gay and I'm not.

Of course Felix would look at him differently if he said that. Who the hell wouldn't. Jeongin wasn't gay and would be admitting to practically harassing a gay man just because he misread the signals. But at the same time there were no signals that he should have gone along with in the first place. He didn't want Felix or anyone for that matter to think he would ever be homophobic.

He got brought out of his thoughts by Felix putting his hand on his shoulder and slowly rubbing his thumb in circles. He didn't have the courage to look Felix in his eyes for what he was about to admit.

"I think I made someone uncomfortable" Felix continued rubbing his shoulder.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know- I just, I guess I just got lost in the moment or whatever and as soon as I leaned in they walked away"

Jeongin looked up and saw Felix slowly nodding, like he was trying to figure out what to say.

"Try talking to them, Maybe it's not as bad as you think" they both turned back to the movie playing on the tv.

"Thanks, hyung"


"Oh fuck"

Jeongin jumped up. At this point one of his dormmates having sex was just an excuse to leave. He grabbed his things and thanked whatever gods there were for sharing a wall with an absolute sex addict before sneaking out the door.

About half way there he realized he was forgetting something, He almost forgot to ask if it was okay if he could come over. He had just assumed it would be fine. No one likes a pest who shows up late at your house with no warning.

Jeongin shot off a quick text to Seungmin. He waited a few moments before getting a reply. Seungmin and his roommates were watching a movie together but it was fine if he wanted to join them.

Jeongin knocked on the door this time. He didn't want to look rude to Seungmin's roommates, he bit the inside of his lip and waited for Seungmin to open the door. Except it wasn't Seungmin that opened the door, it was one of his roommates, Sunyoul. "Is Seungmin here?" He nodded and let him in.

"Hey Seungmin, your friend is here" Jeongin walked in to see Seungmin and his other roommate, Hyejin, sitting on the couch.

"Sorry for coming over like this" Jeongin picked at his nails absent mindedly.

"Nah, it's all good. You're welcome anytime" Sunyoul said and Seungmin patted the small space beside him, motioning him over.

When Jeongin sat down he was practically halfway in Seungmin's lap and to his other side was the couch's arm so it was a pretty snug fit. "What movie is it?" Jeongin asked, shifting slightly to get comfortable.

It was some horror movie Jeongin had never heard of and in all honesty it was pretty good.

Seungmin's other roommate, Hyejin, made comments all throughout the movie. "Did you know that the people this movie is supposedly based off of are still living"

Jeongin flinched when Seungmin put his arm around his shoulder. He turned his attention back to the movie before Seungmin started rubbing circles with his thumb on his bicep and he couldn't help but tear away his gaze from the movie to meet Seungmin's stare, he was already staring at him with something Jeongin couldn't name.

Jeongin slowly averted his eyes back to the screen and tried to ignore the feeling of eyes on him. Maybe Seungmin really was upset.

"HOLY SHIT" Hyejin yelled out and they both looked over at her. "That part gets me every time" before laughing hysterically and Sunyoul joined in shortly after.

The rest of the movie went smoothly and Seungmin didn't look over at Jeongin not once this time, not that Jeongin was looking at him enough to be able to notice this.

By the time Seungmin did touch Jeongin, He was stroking Jeongin's hair and he was lying his head on the older male's shoulder. "Hey" he said softly, "We gotta go to the room now, Okay?" He said, letting Jeongin have a chance to wake up. He didn't even know he fell asleep.

He nodded sleepily to see that Sunyoul and Hyejin had already gone to their rooms. Jeongin collapsed on the bed and rolled towards the wall to make room for Seungmin. He closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the steady breathing beside him.

"I'm sorry" Jeongin whispered, he needed to do this. This was what he came here to do in the first place.

Seungmin looked over at him "For what?"

"For making you uncomfortable the other day" Seungmin laid his head back down and made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"I didn't walk away because you made me uncomfortable," Jeongin looked over at him but Seungmin continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Then why did you walk away?" Seungmin smirked and made eye contact with Jeongin.

"Seems like you really didn't want me to back away" he joked and watched amusedly as Jeongin's face flushed.

"Then I won't back away next time." Seungmin smiled as Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Next time?" Jeongin mumbled, but it was more for himself rather than Seungmin.
Seungmin smiled and let a comfortable silence fill the room.

"Are you busy this weekend?" Seungmin asked as he turned to his side to look at him.

"No, why?" Jeongin continued admiring how pretty the string lights made Seungmin's bed-closet-room above them.

"There's this cat cafe that I've been hearing about that opened," he paused before continuing "I don't want to go alone"

Jeongin smiled "I'll go"

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