A night time surprise

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Stop I haven't posted here in so long, I only really checked now but my other chapter has a few reads so y not write again 🤷‍♀️ (100% not just doing this bcs I'm failing English)

Also I can't tell if this is a ship or not so you decide it for yourself 🫶


    No pov:

Since the dream team met up, they have been doing a lot of things like meeting up with other friends and doing new things together..but for some reason there was a blank space in dreams head, well it wasn't entirely blank, but it was a bad space in his head that shouldn't be there. But the real question he had always asked himself, was it really bad? This blank space in his head that dragged him back to the past, this space filled with memories of the most boring but enjoyable things from before all this fame, conventions, "meeting ups". All these "memories" felt selfish to him. All the times him and sapnap were just...alone. He loved how un-judgemental sapnap was and how he treated him, it's selfish to want a person to yourself, but he physically can't cope without him, and seeing all this fame drag him from his happy grasp of imagination and fake scenarios of all the fun stuff they did and could have done. It's not that he dislikes anyone else he loves them, all this is him thinking to deep, but sometimes deep thoughts have bad reactions. I think all he really wants...is affection.

                      Dreams pov:

What would happen if I just threw that chair at someone... what would happen if just screamed in that mic.. what would happen if I just walked off the panel singing some weird song ... anaconda. Just casual intrusive thoughts going through his head like a normal person does when bored. He was at his first twitch panel! Pretty cool, living the dream ong,
but kinda boring, boring questions, boring answers, annoying twitch staff... UUUAAGHH
I WANNA GO HOMEEE, all this is just gonna end stupidlyy this suckss

"Hey dream, say a line from your lore character!"

"I don't give a FUCK about spirit."


Oh shoot the events ended, look at all those stupid mfs walking down the stairs.. what if I tripped one of em..

                  No pov:

Everyone was going to their hotel rooms, chaos was accruing in punzes room as George and sap were destroying it, passing shit to Phil and laughing, dream was sitting on the floor in silence scared to say anything in case he'd regret it later... Jesus twitter got to him. On the other hand, he was just sad, he doesn't know why all these negative emotions are just pouncing at him, and now if all times? Kinda sucks huh, but he'll have to deal with it like every other person.

He walked to his hotel room as all the havoc calmed. He was sharing with sap and George obviously enough. Sapnap slept on a single bed and so did George, dreams slept on a pull out mattress on the couch.


How time flies by so quick, sapnap and George were asleep, well they've been asleep 2 hours because of the con and Dream, still awake for some reason. The sheets on the pull out mattress scrunched, blanket only over his feet and his back leaned on the pillows he built up on the back of the couch. He had brought his Nintendo and it was hooked up to the tv, but he wasn't playing it, he was zoned out while the Home Screen of mario kart was repeatedly moving in the same up and down animation.

He was bored but couldn't sleep, he always had trouble sleeping. He was thinking deeply again as he usually does, nit picking every thing he had done remotely wrong that day and over thinking it. Then he remembered when Karl kissed him as a joke, he liked Karl a lot. He feels the most comfortable around him after sapnap and I guess George, but not really. It was a different type of comfort, the type of comfort he could tell him some interest he has or something he feels and he wouldn't laugh at him or go tell a stream later on in the year as a joke like he's not still interested in this topic or still feels that certain way or still does that certain thing, etc. he felt better around him.

I wonder if he's still up...

Dreams pov:

If I'm being honest, I was just going to open his door and look to see if he was still awake, but think of how creepy it would be if he actually WAS, he'd just look up to me looking at him, the poor guy would think I'm tryna watch him sleep... doesn't matter anyways since hotel rooms have locks. I would have to knock on his door but I don't know who he's staying in there with and id hate to wake them up, even worse they answer the door. Before I get into that mess I think I'll just distract myself. Oh I remember! There was a dispensing machine with like m&ms, skittles all that shit, I also have some money in my pocket, my goofy ass all ways has these fake scenarios and in this case I thought me and Karl would ditch the hotel and go grab a milkshake with music blaring out of the car, ITS NOT CRINGE, I have my right to imagination.

Here I am. Back at Karl's door, skittles in hand.


Karl's pov:

The fuck..

Who the hell is texting me at this hour of the night and who am I blocking.

Oh it's dream... why is he texting me at this hour, that's so weird... did something bad happen?

| ___________________
| / hey, I'm outside your door (don't
| | ask) but I can't sleep so I just wanted | |to text you to see if you're awake so we | |can hang out!:DD. /——/

What the fuck mannn.

I went to open the hotel door as quite as I could to not wake anyone, those things are looudd. And there I saw dream. Crossed legs on the floor leaning on the wall looking up at me.

"Hey Karl! So you were awake!"

He said enthusiastically, no tf I wasn't

"Yeah, but a question, why would you want to hang out at what-" I said looking at my phone that I had in my hand along with a spare hotel key for the door

"Almost two in the morning."


"OK OK SLOW DOWN SLOW DOWN" I said cutting him off, he has adhd and tends to mix up his words and talk a bit fast, also he was half screaming in the hall of a hotel at now officially two in the morning.

ILL CONTINUE THIS IF IT ACTUALLY GETS READS ( I'll probably finish ig even if it doesn't ngl) BUT YEAH TBC!1!1

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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