A new ara of life

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Quick disclaimer that this is my first story so the grammar and spelling might not be the best lmao, I would appreciate feed back if this is bad or not :)
ALSO this is based in an au so obviously I'm aware of the fact that this wouldn't happen and the ships and all that jazz so don't come at me, and no none of this goes past there boundaries

                     Enjoy I guess😋


Dreams pov
"Well this isn't how I planned" dream thought, you see dream tends to get childish about things especially when shit doesn't go his way, so you can tell he wasn't all to happy when he woke up to remember his roommate was going on his flight to where they grew up visiting his family and some of their old friends today.

"It's so unfair thoughhh!" Dream whined like a kid "I wanna see them too!"
"Well you are the one who chose not to come before because you hate planes, that's not my problem now is it dream?" He said trying to get dream to stop hugging his leg on the floor like a little baby so he could get to the airport.

"Fine." Dream said frustrated backing off, "thank you, now if you excuse me I'm going to have fun without youuu~" he said sarcastically "oh shut up you ignorant shit" dream said matching his energy, a few chuckles escaped the two and then just like that he was gone. For who knows how long, leaving dream alone

The first few days dream found himself falling into the unwell being off a lonely fourteen-sixteen year old on summer break sitting on his couch watching shit movies and eating ice cream, Ben and Jerry's cookie dough to be exact. Obviously from time to time he'd take walks and go to the gym, but he still wasn't happy. Even with most his free time he didn't stream, he didn't feel like doing anything he was just...there?

                       No one's pov:
It was another crappy day and as per usual dream woke up feeling like shit, his hair was greasy, eyes filled with sleep and his vision was blurry. He walked to the bathroom and splashed his face with water, and being the idiot he is got it in his eyes. "SON OF A BITCH" echoing threw the bathroom as he was drying his face, he was supposed to be productive but now that that's happened he wants to sit on the couch. For a change?

"Uggggghhhhhhhablahmhhhh" he was groaning while rotating on the couch trying to get comfortable. "I feel like shit." He thought. "Now what." "I should probably get up and do something instead of sitting on the couch feeling like a piece of crap" and just like that he got up and took a shower then brushed his teeth, doing all that remembering he was home alone, so while doing all this music was blaring threw out the house, thank god he didn't live in a terrace or he'd have noise complaints threw the roooooffff

He got dressed into some baggy-ish jeans and a white jumper/sweater that complemented his hair nicely, he slipped on some white dirty already tied air forces and walked out the door

He walked to a nearby corner shop then bought a red bull and a green packet of extra chewing gum. While walking he passed a caffè "caffe vega" it read on the sign at the top of the mini shop, he decided to walk in and get a coffee or something, not like he had anything else tho do.

He walked in side and ordered an iced coffee with a pump of caramel and sat down on a chair with a small table by the window, he had his air pods in, but after a while of sipping on his drink and texting random people he noticed a boy sitting across the room, he had nice dark eyes and brown hair with oddly pale skin for the heat of the country he was in, he was wearing a baggy but not oversized white t-shirt and black basketball shorts with black and white air Jordan's, he automatically caught dreams eyes, he seemed unique to dream but as he was staring at him, he looked back and of course him making eye contact broke dreams trance and he looked back, it would be awkward for him to stare much longer so he smiled at the boy and he smiled back. As dream finished he saw the boy also leaving, he headed for the door as the boy who he had stared at also did and they clearly didn't know what waiting was so
"Oh shit sorry!" Dream said as they bumped into each other, both trying to leave the shop at the same time. "Oh no you're fine! I should have waited ahah.." he said back. Dream liked his voice, it was nice, comforting.
He walked out and awkwardly they were both going the same way so dream thought he should make some conversation.
His name was sapnap and he only lived 3blocks away from dream! As they were walking they really hit shit off

                 Dream pov
"Yeah I have discord, we should play Minecraft sometime!" I said all happy because I'm having a lot of fun talking to this guy, nearly all our interests are the same and he's really nice. But it feels...weird? But it's a nice feeling over all!

I went home, returning to all the empty dominoes pizza boxes and dirty house, but then I remembered that I had that guys discord and snap! I ran to my computer and sent him a friend request, then I ran back to my living room and flopped onto the couch and ordered some chipotle and turned some random music channel with the crappy 90s 3D animation because I like it on the tv because yolo, and childhood memories of my messy living room, wine glasses in the kitchen. I don't know why I love it so much but it's comforting no one can tell me otherwise.

Word count:1047

Ive never written anything b4 so I could use some tips heh😰
Feel free to give tips I do appreciate it

If their is any possibility of anyone seeing this I might make another part to this but for now it's just gonna be sitting here for the next decade before I get sucked into society and form new interests look back cringe and delete this acc

But dw that won't be for awhile

That was very emo of me I apologise

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