Chapter 29

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Dev Uncle was released from hospital six days later and his family pampered him.

Imlie's mom was going back to India in three days but Imlie was going to stay another couple of weeks after arranging with her boss to work from home. She didn't want to leave her Aunty and Jyoti so soon until her Uncle had fully recovered.

They decided to organize a farewell dinner at home with some friends even though her mom was against the idea. Her brother somehow convinced her that it was for his benefit to have this dinner. It turned out to be a bigger dinner party with about fifty invited guests.

Aryan and Imlie hadn't seen each other or spoken much since they last met at the hospital so they were both looking forward to this dinner.

The two girls were standing by the door greeting guests as they arrived while their parents waited for them inside as Uncle Dev was still using a wheelchair.

The Rathore family were next to arrive and his parents paid extra attention to Imlie who got a bit flustered, making Aryan and Jyoti laugh.

She was wearing a beautiful pink color pure chinon silk material lehenga choli, accessorizing with matching bangles and around her neck she wore his gift to her. He was wearing his favorite pink shirt with his three-piece black suit.

After his parents leave, he goes up to her, leans down and whispers in her ear, 'My lady is looking very beautiful tonight, is this for me?' making her blush.

He then traces his fingers on her neck causing a slight shiver, 'I'm glad to see you wearing this pendant. You should always wear this in public so everyone knows that you belong to me,' and with those words he places a kiss beneath her ear. Imlie moans softly at the feel of his lips on her bare skin but he was gone before she could say anything.

Dinner was a fun affair and Uncle Dev was having a great time. His wife and Imlie's mom were talking with other ladies and Jyoti was chatting to some of her friends.

Imlie decided to go check on Suzy and the other staff but as she's making her way to the kitchen, someone grabs her hand and pulls her into one of the dark corners of the hallway. She panics and starts to scream but is stopped by a hand covering her mouth. She bites the hand making the guy wince in pain but before she can scream, she hears, 'Imlie stop, it's me Aryan.'

She starts to hit him and calling him cursed names.

'Imlie stop, I'm sorry,' but she was not in a state to hear him and continues hitting him.

'Imlie, I said stop,' but when she didn't, he grabbed both her arms and held them above her head against the wall, breaching the gap between their bodies in the process which took the wind right out of her. They were both breathing heavily at this point from the close proximity and intimate position that they found themselves in.

'If I let go, will you promise to not hit me?' She nodded to say yes. 'Words Imlie?'

'Yes, I promise not to hit you.' At this he let her go and moved away.

'We need to have that talk.'

'Right now, with everyone here?'

'Yes, right now with everyone here. Look, everyone is busy so they won't notice that we're gone. Come on,' he takes her hand and leads the way into the sun room.

She turns the light on and closes the door so no one can hear their conversation. She then takes a seat next to him.

'Looks like this is becoming our favorite spot to have these conversations,' he says and they look at each other with a smile.

'Should we start from when I dropped you off after our last date?' And thereon they talked it out; the misunderstanding, hurt feelings, no communications, forgiveness and Rohan's anniversary. It took a couple of hours yet they felt better afterwards and they had a clearer understanding of the situation.

'So where do we go from here Aryan?' she asks as she rests her head on his shoulder. 'Back to where we left off?'

'I'm afraid it's too late for that Imlie.'

She just nodded her head. This is it, he's going to end it. You made a foolish decision, did you expect him to forgive and forget so easily? She can understand why he doesn't want to start again. Tears flowed down her face slowly as she prepared herself for his rejection.

'Imlie?' Not getting a reply he lifts her head and is shocked to see tears in her eyes. 'Imlie, what's wrong baby?'

'How can you ask what's wrong when we both clearly know the reason? You just said it's too late so get it over and done with please and hopefully after this, we can still remain friends.'

He starts to laugh and she was lost for words. 'You are an idiot Imlie. Did you think I would make an effort to have this conversation just to break up with you?'

He slowly gets down on both his knees, looks into her tear-filled eyes and confesses, 'I love you Imlie! Will you marry me?'

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