Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Mary snorts, turning her attention back to her breakfast. "No. I'm not hooking up with one of them."

Lily waits for Mary to explain why then, she's staring so intently at the Slytherin table, but she doesn't. This is especially infuriating because Lily can't just ask her herself because she's not supposed to be talking to Mary right now, or at least not except when absolutely necessary. So she looks pointedly at Marlene, waiting for her to take on the burden of asking the obvious follow-up questions, but Marlene's attention appears to have already wandered.

"Oh hey!" Marlene waves at Dorcas Meadowes, her voice about two octaves higher and more chipper than it had been only thirty seconds earlier. "Hey, hi, good morning!" she keeps going, unnecessarily.

Mary snorts, rolling her eyes as Marlene nearly vibrates in the seat beside her.

"What'd you drink a whole vat of coffee this morning?" Mary asks. Marlene only elbows her as Dorcas reaches them.

"Hey guys," Dorcas looks a bit uncertain.


"I think you've covered the greetings Mar," that comment earns Mary another elbow.

"Can I er—" Dorcas blushes as she mumbles, "is it alright if I sit here?"

"Yeah, of course!" Marlene is so eager Lily half expects her to pull out Dorcas's chair for her.

"Thanks," Dorcas smiles as she takes her seat. It's not that Dorcas never sits with them, it's just that she has her own group of friends. She's more of what Lily thinks of as a walk-by-and-wave acquaintance.

"How's it going Dorcas?" she asks, trying to get herself together. This morning has already been a lot and it's not even nine.

"Pretty good, you?"

Lily knows her smile is strained. "I'm excellent."

Mary does not bother to acknowledge that someone else has joined them. Well, at least not until Marlene kicks her under the table. Rolling her eyes at her best friend she offers Dorcas a sardonic look.


"Macdonald," Dorcas returns, looking like she's trying not to smile. When silence falls after that Dorcas clears her throat. "You guys have a good Christmas?"

"Brilliant Christmas," Marlene jumps in, clearly happy to have something to talk about. "Though to be fair I've never not had a brilliant Christmas, it's kinda my favourite time of year."

Dorcas smiles fondly at her and Lily is surprised to see Marlene's cheeks grow pink.

"Mine too," Dorcas says.

Forgetting, momentarily, that she's still angry at her, Lily makes eye contact with Mary across the table. It's a sort of "are you seeing what I'm seeing?" kind of look. Or, perhaps more accurately a "is it just me, or does this feel like flirting?" kinda look.

"What's your favourite part?" Marlene asks excitedly, eyes only for Dorcas. "Mine's the food, obviously. My mum makes the best mashed potatoes."

"Nah-uh," Dorcas argues playfully. "My mum definitely makes the best mashed potatoes."

Marlene grins, arching her brow. "Is that a challenge? You really think you could beat me in a potato off?"

Dorcas's eyes sparkle. "Bring it on McKinnon."

Lily isn't sure what's going on between Dorcas and Marlene. On the surface there's nothing overly intimate about their conversation, it's just small talk. But something about their little smiles and flushed cheeks charges the air with more.With something that makes Lily feel ...lonely.

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