Vol. 1 - Chapter 4 | Soldiers

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"Okay... I don't know which is even worse, now." I said after sage finished. Being betrayed or getting worshipped like a false God... One makes me pessimistic, another makes me uncomfortable.

Now looking back, Aurora didn't really mention how to use personnel creation "*sigh* Alright, so how do I actuate it?"

["Your current abilities are influenced by the mind, to utilize personnel creation is to simply imagine the personnel you wish to create, their roles, their attires, their ages, or genders. Though to minimize complexity, you can create them through even just one of the criteria whilst I handle the rest. Then simply say 'Create'."]

"Alright. Thank you." I said as I closed the HUI, and I made my way down the rock formation, sliding down to reach the bottom. Finding suitable areas for creating personnel. I stopped in place when I pretty much travelled to the opposite side of the rock formation, the mildly hilly plains just a distance ahead, with a few mountains much further, tinted blue by atmospheric dispersion. The rocky terrain below is fairly okay.

I mentally switched to Personnel creation. And focused on two of the criteria, their role: soldiers, attire... Hmm... Well, I'm currently limited to the First World War by my current level, not including the capability of making more modern equipment, of course at the cost of mental stability and Mana.

*sigh* Screw it, I'm taking the Late-War German Feldbluse, and work forward with imperial german army equipment. not the best by any means, but the stahlhelm design did have a few protective advantages, and who's to say we can't add onto or change the uniforms and equipment, perhaps even using those from other nations at the time, there is no layout I'am limited to.

And I particularly want to focus on camouflage as combat in thick foliage against these predators will be more than common. Also the imperial German army did field pretty effective infantry weapons useful against them.

(A/N: *wink* *wink*)

I extended my hand forwards in the same manner I did when using Matter manipulation the first time. "Oh wait..." I double-checked whether or not mental strain dampening was active, when it was I sighed in relief before I continued. Imaging how many personnel I may need for the moment, and thought 'Create'. Eventually numerous luminescent neon & light-blue cubes in an unorganised variety of sizes manifested in-front of me, Some simply appearing while others were expelled from my palm in a spiral.

Multiple Mildly glowing figures began to form from the condensing cubes, and after a few moments the manifestations ceased, and I lowered my arm. The figures themselves had lost their ethereal appearance. And in their place, now in-front of me are a platoon of soldiers numbering at around 50, roughly the size of a large platoon, wearing the selected attire complemented with appropriate weaponry for their basis.

"Huh..." I plainly muttered, with a hint of amusement, quietly enough.

"Platoon, Attention!" A girl's voice broke the silence, as the rest of the soldiers immediately responded with simultaneous salutes. The girl soon stepped forward ahead of the rest of the formation as they lowered their arms.

"Platoon sergeant, Kara Anderson, reporting for duty, sir!" She spoke, her vigour and tone reminiscent of a vigilant soldier, I can already sense her aura of dedication.

It was a bit interesting to see a female in that specific uniform, in a time where women were simply limited to civilian or housewife roles, before the time when women could even enlist. In-fact I did notice the moment they were created that roughly half of the soldiers created were female. It should also be worth noting all of the soldiers are younger than expected, ranging from 18-24.

Also I was caught, even if mildly, off-guard by her position, I did base ourselves off of Imperial Germany for the time being, so her using the English term of her rank wasn't really expected. Then again, I did subconsciously want them to be more on my level of communication, modern, and in a language familiar to me, that may be the reason for it.

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