Vol. 1 - Chapter 4 | Soldiers

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*chewing noises* "Mm..." I hummed a bit savouring the taste of the wolf meat, I managed to set up camp again, this time a bit farther away, now I'm currently by a mostly rocky area save for the few trees and shrubs, a large rock formation with an almost rough and uneven terrace-like structure and a rather beautiful natural arch extending from the formation and towards the edge touching the forest. Mild amounts of growth complementing the formation as a whole actually.

The rocky region spanned a decently large area, though still pales in comparison to the area occupied by the forest. And it also felt like a small buffer region, bordering the forest in-front of me, and the hilly plains just behind.

As for the formation I'm on, it's a medium-sized landmark when compared to the rocky area, but on the human-scale It really was a pretty big rock formation, I would compare its size to the home of the lion king. My distanced and elevated position on the terraces gives me more view just in-case another wolf would find me, after all the high ground gives the advantage, space Jesus is proof of it.

As for how I managed to drag the wolf corpse over here, I diced it up spitefully, and put the pieces in my inventory. Sage confirmed to me it was edible.

I had nearly forgotten about my hunger too, just as much as I forgot about the dampening properties of sage. I was a bit perplexed by it actually, I don't have photographic memory, but my memory was usually above average, perhaps even gifted, I don't easily forget something that recent. I had already begun to suspect the transfer wasn't completely seamless, the chances of it somehow scrambling my mind a bit is likely, and the extent of how much was affected even if mildly was unknown. But I buried that thought quickly as I focused myself in the present at the moment, and eventually consumed the last bits of meat on the stick I held.

"*burp*" I lightly burped a bit after I set down the fifth wooden stake I used into the removed exo-skull of the wolf, essentially serving as a makeshift bin, and opened up my HUI.

["Hunger has been Satiated."] Sage's voice immediately informed me, before I closed it.

"*relieved sigh* Well, that was tasty." I commented, it really was, the taste was exotic and was adequately juicy. It's not a wagyu, but it's great considering it's a wolf.

I looked down towards the trench shotgun, picking it up before I stared off into the forest. In all likelihood, I don't think I can deal with the unfavourable fauna here alone. I opened up my HUI again, viewing my abilities as I recalled the one I put particular interest over. ('Personnel Creation')

Initially it was a pretty childish thought of making a few friends, and a subconscious understanding that many in this world may not align with my modern values, but now I'm starting to see it as a blessing in disguise that I chose it. Pragmatically, Defence in the face of an entire horde of these wolves and more is something I can't handle alone, at-least not in my current state. I'm more than aware I'm still fragile and underpowered at this concurrent level. I'm going to need help.

Though one thing still does bug me, the basic standard being 'unconditional loyalty', 'incapability of refusal'. If such things are implanted into their minds, will they even be normal? Even if that mindset has been implanted, they are still human, and with the will of a human in mind, will betrayal or desertion be likely if I don't play my cards right or if their treatment gets too harsh? The panel information didn't detail such events.

"Sage?" *ping* "Regarding personnel creation, are there any risks of betrayal or mutiny?"

["None, Sir. All personnel created will pledge complete loyalty to you, mutinies are virtually impossible. No matter what rank, role, occupation, and age, they are spiritually subordinate to you, and view you positively from the get-go. The only risks are the possibility they may view you as a God, seeing your judgement as absolute, which may result in the development of fanaticism towards you."]

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