Volume 2: Chapter 4 Part 2

Start from the beginning

Nagumo's smirk twitched a little bit, indicating he felt the meaning behind those words. Whether he was annoyed or angry at the slight provocation, he kept his cool and replied back to Kiyotaka as calmly as possible.

"I am the Student Council President, Ayanokouji. So of course I will keep my promise to you. But don't think that you'll be the one winning. I can't have a kouhai beating me, let alone one who doesn't reach my level despite being quite interesting. Well, I'll be looking forward to my win. See you in the Commander Battle."

With that, Nagumo left Class B's tent heading back to his own. As soon as he left, Kiyotaka's surrounding classmates began looking at him with interest, shock and worry. Having the Student Council President approach someone who they were only just beginning to trust more than their previous leader and challenge them probably wasn't a good thing in their eyes. However, that was different for those that knew about Kiyotaka's abilities.

"You made a bet with Nagumo-senpai, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita asked Kiyotaka.

"Something like that."

With his nonsensical answer, Horikita glared at him slightly. Though, this lasted all but 5 seconds before she returned to normal and sighed.

"It's fine if you're not going to tell me the details, but I hope you're able to defeat the Student Council President even with that bet going on. If you do manage to win, it would definitely be very beneficial to us as it will allow us to get better scores and raise positions above 3rd place. Actually... you'll probably win anyway knowing you."

"You don't have to worry. I don't intend to lose to the President. I'll make sure that I'll win."

[But I won't be doing it so that our Class grabs first place overall in this sports festival, nor do I think it's possible it'll help anyway. I have my own reasons for doing this. Plus...] Kiyotaka added in his head while glancing towards Kei, Haruka and the rest of the girls.

"Ayanokouji. You intend to fight against the Student Council President personally and win?!"

"Ayanokouji-kun did help us in the last special exam and he's doing well helping us here, but can he really win against the Student Council President?"

"Ayanokouji-kun is smart, good at maths and a fast runner, but I don't think he can win against the Student Council President. At least I'm not sure."

His classmates began making comments of worry that he wouldn't win against Nagumo. He wasn't exactly fazed by it because he saw them coming. Most of his classmates didn't know about his true abilities.

"Kiyotaka will win. Don't doubt him. I know he'll win."

In between the worried classmates, Kei spoke up to defend Kiyotaka and state her trust and belief in him. However, it wasn't just Kei who believed in him, Haruka and the rest behind her also nodded their heads and smiled. Hirata and Horikita also agreed, and even Sudou showed a thumbs up. With so many people behind him, his classmates couldn't argue with worry anymore.

"Fufufu. Girlfriend-girl is right. Ayanokouji-boy is just like me. A perfect human being. A perfect human being can't lose to an insignificant ant like the Student Council President."

Surprisingly, Kouenji joined in to support Kiyotaka too, even going as far as to call him a "perfect human being" just like he had done so when the two of them were meeting with Chairman Sakayanagi before the sports festival. No one could argue anymore.

"By the way, Ayanokouji-boy. We need to talk privately. Come with me for a bit. Two perfect human beings talking about something important," he continued with his signature outgoing smirk.

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