Volume 2: Chapter 4 Intro

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Being under the guise of such a tone and glare would immediately cause the person to wither into dust. However, no such thing happened to Arisu. She showed barely any fear being under the gaze. There was a small sweat drop coming down from her forehead, but that was barely anything considering how well she was keeping up her composure.

"Seeing you now compared to when you visited that place that day, you've seemed to have grown."

"I thank you for the compliment, Ayanokouji-sensei, especially since it's from you."

Arisu bowed, hands on her skirt as she lifted it a bit too. An elegant bow for a princess-like girl.

"However, I suggest you don't get involved anymore. This is between me and Kiyotaka. Unlike your father here, you don't hold that much power here over the board and the school itself."

"Fufufu. That is indeed true, Ayanokouji-sensei. However, I am considered the princess of the school by most of the students here. Also, it may not look like it, but I'm doing whatever is in the best interest of Ayanokouji-kun. I was told to accompany him and so I'm doing so. Ayanokouji-kun here wants a life at this school so I'm helping him get one. But that's for you two to talk about."

Whether or not she was an involved or uninvolved party, Professor Ayanokouji couldn't do much being an outsider of this school. Though she didn't say this out loud, this was what Arisu was trying to imply. The interests of students at this school mattered the most.

Either way, she stepped back a little and allowed the second inevitable meeting between the two blood related family members to happen. It probably wasn't noticeable to the Sakayanagis until now, but the atmosphere was extremely tense. The Ayanokoujis locked eyes, glaring sharp daggers into the other's body and looking to open a non-existent wound.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself at this school. Aren't you, Kiyotaka?"

The silence ended with Professor Ayanokouji starting.

"Of course. This school is one of the best things that has happened to me. I've experienced a lot at this school more so than the White Room. Why wouldn't I enjoy being here?"

"This place isn't for you. The path you were made to go down was decided the very moment I had put you in the 4th generation. You will guide Japan towards a better future."

"That's just your own beliefs. And even if I want that too, who's to say that the method that Chairman Sakayanagi has with this school isn't beneficial to me? If anything, I see a lot of potential people in this school that could rival, if not surpass me one day. They just need the extra push which is something I can provide."

At that moment, Professor Ayanokouji went silent. Kiyotaka wasn't sure, but he felt that his father's piercing glaring eyes softened for a moment, as if he felt a lot from that statement. But for all he knew, that could've just been a part of his optimistic mind that wanted to believe he was an actual father...

Yeah that was probably it since it more or less looked like Professor Ayanokouji's expression didn't change at all.

"If I recall, you seemed to mention something about not wanting to come to this school anymore. 'Coming to a place like this once is quite enough' you said that day. Yet here you are again with the same goal of wanting to bring me back. Did you somehow find some weird attraction to this school that affected your decision of coming back?"

"Are you trying to make a joke? I have my own reasons for coming here again."

Annoyed by Kiyotaka's attempt of belittling him over something he said a long time ago, Professor Ayanokouji clicked his tongue. It was most likely because he remembered those exact words he said to Kiyotaka that he was so annoyed.

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