Somethings Never Change

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It's was a beautiful spring day. The sky was a clear blue and there was a perfect light breeze in the air.

Udo was having coffee with his mom, and while his 3 year old daughter ate breakfast.

"So what's the plan for the day?" His mom asked.

"Take the kids to the old neighborhood park, relive some memories" Udo said with a smile.

"That sounds like fun, I'm sure the kids and Zofia will enjoy it"

Zofia came into the kitchen cradling their 11 month old baby boy.

"Is that my handsome grandson" Udo's mom gushed. Standing up to hold the baby. Zofia smiled and handed him off, poured herself some coffee and sat down.

"So when do you plan on seeing your parents Zofia?" Mrs. Bock asked and she rocked her grandson.

"We're going their tomorrow for dinner. Dad's still only allowed light activity since his ankle surgery so we are just gonna have a quiet dinner in"

"I'm glad he is recovering well, I told him he should have just hired someone clean the gutters", Udo's mom laughed.

"That's what mom and I told him too, but you know how stubborn my dad is."


Zofia and Udo walked down the familiar streets towards their own stomping grounds. Udo pushing the stroller, and Zofia was walking with her daughter and she skipped along the side walk.

As they approached the park, the familiar noises of kids laughing and yelling drifted up the street.

Udo couldn't help but still feel the butterflies in his stomach when as they approached the play ground.

Even at 28 Zofia still could make his stomach do flip flops.

"Now Amelia, play nice with the other kids ok, and  don't forget to use our manners ok", Zofia said kneeling down to her level.

"Ok Mommy, can I go play now???", the 3 year old was squirming eyeing the swing set.

"Yes sweetheart" Zofia said with a laugh.

Udo was unstrapping Charlie from the stroller. "This place hasn't changed has it?" He said walking with his wife over the the baby swings.

Zofia look around her gaze hitting the monkey bars. Her heart fluttering. "It sure hasn't" she said with a smile.

They pushed their son in the swing. He giggled and kicked his legs. While keeping a watchful eye out on their daughter.

"Feels like just yesterday we were here playing, having fun" Udo said.

"Falling in love" Zofia said with a warm smile.

"You know Gabi is due any day now" Udo said. "It's so strange to think loud mouth Gabi is going to be a mom, and Falco being a dad" he said with a laugh.

"Still calling her loud mouth Gabi, we are adults now" Zofia said laughing.

"Well it will give Charlie a new friend", Udo said.

Some commotion over by the main play ground grabbed their attention.

Udo watched as a young girl was climbing on top
of the monkey bars. Bringing back some fond and painful memories.

Cheers from the kids on the ground filled the air. He noticed a young boy, who was just staring in awe at the girl.

Zofia and Udo look at the girl and then at each other.

"Guess something never change" he thought.


How We Met: Udo x Zofia Where stories live. Discover now