ISSUE 4: The Phantom of The Studio!

Start from the beginning

"As do I," Adrian replied as he finally found a place that shares his love of science and technology as much as he does.

"Great. Now that you genius are settling in, I'm gonna go punch-in," Ben said as he was preparing to start his day at work.

"Before you do, I need a moment of your time, Benjamin," Otto said as Ben stopped to listen what the resident "mad genius" have to say. "I was going over the news stills from the other day, and it seems that Spider-Man has acquired a new partner."

"So what? He's always got somebody in his circus troupe to fight his battles for him," Ben rolled his eyes as he wants to know where was Otto going with this. "Get to the point."

"Don't you think that it's a little coincidental that a new Spider-themed individual debuted around the same time you encountered a man who claimed to be your nephew from another universe?" Otto inquired only to get no response from his old friend. "You believe it's him don't you?"

"I don't know and I don't care so let's drop it already," Ben pressed as he did not want to talk about it anymore.

"But Benjamin-" Otto was cut off by a fuming Benjamin Parker.

"I said drop it, Otto," Ben darkly told the scientist as he walked away to continue doing his job as head of security.


At the Osborn Manor, Mattie and Ollie were walking the hallways as the couple was called in by Mortimer to see about what to do with Quentin as he has not left the guest room in quite a while.

"For the millionth time, Ollie! You don't have to keep apologizing," Mattie sighed.

"I know but I felt like I could've did something," Ollie said as he told her and Harry about how his father had to go through triple bypass surgery after suffering from a heart attack so he wasn't there to help out with apprehending the Silver Vulture on the same day.

"Family comes first, Ollie, and thankfully none of the people at the Bugle were seriously harmed," Mattie reassured her boyfriend.

The two arrived at the door of the guest bedroom that Quentin is staying in and Oliver knocked on it. They entered the room and saw that the room was cluttered in dirty clothes.

"This place is such a pigsty!" Mattie expressed once she saw the state of the bedroom.

They saw Quentin laying on the bed not paying attention to either of them, and he slowly got up to stretch his muscles. Quentin looked liked he has not gotten enough sleep in the past few days as he dark bags and circles under his eyes.

"Sheesh man. When was the last time you got a decent amount of sleep?" Ollie asked the groggy psychic.

"When was the last time you stayed out of a person's business?" Quentin retorted.

"We're trying to help you," Mattie reasoned but Quire was being difficult to work with as usual.

"Oh yeah you guys have been tremendous help so far," Quentin glared at the couple.

"Alright Quentin, what's been bugging you? You haven't left this room in days and even Mortimer is starting to get worried," Ollie said.

"It's nothing to concern yourselves with, Osnick and Franklin. I'm perfectly fine," Quentin waved them off but they weren't buying it one bit.

"If living it up in your room as a hermit constitutes as "fine" then I don't want to know what you do when you are not," Mattie countered.

"Tell us what's going on and we'll help you in anyway that we can. First, you're going to promise that you will take some time to leave the penthouse and go get some fresh air. If you won't do it for us then at least do it for Morty," Ollie said.

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