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(TW: cursing, threats, mentions of murder and fighting) (Side note: they are 16 YEARS OLD. OKAY?)

Amity Blight, a 5'11 16 y/o female with purple hair (w/ brown roots) golden eyes and very pale skin, was minding her own business. Sitting down in the library, in her secret hideout. She was reading the Good Witch Azura book 7. That was until a tall 6'1 female, dark brown eyes, and tan/chocolate colored skin entered the hideout. "Hey, Mittens." The girl said, smirking. "Noceda, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that." Amity said, standing up.

The girl shrugged. Her name is Luz Noceda. "Y'know I won't listen to you. Right.... Mittens?" Luz said with a grin staring at Amity. Amity walked towards Luz, and grabbed her by the collar of her jacket. "I'm not messing around Noceda. Shut the fuck up before I make you." Amity glares at Luz while she was saying that.

Luz had a sense of fear wash over her. "Woah woah. Amity I didn't mean to upset you!" She said. Amity grabs Luz's face, she then pulls her down and whispers in her ear, "Your lucky Luz Noceda." Luz felt a chill run down her spine. Amity sits down on the bean bag and pats a spot next to her. Luz reluctantly sat next to her. She wondered why they did this. They aren't even dating. (Yet)

Amity gives Luz a book, looking embarrassed. "Can you- can you read this to me?!" She said loudly. Luz smiled, "Of course Blight." She replied with pure happiness. Luz couldn't help but think she'd do anything for Amity. Murder, vandalism, ect. All for Amity. Just for that small little Blight. She began to read.

Amity closed her eyes, listening to Luz's voice. She began to rest her head on Luz's shoulder. Luz couldn't help but blush. She rested her head on top of Amity's, continuing to read. Amity's face was extremely red but she didn't dare to move. She loved the touch of Luz. She didn't want to ruin it.


Amity fell asleep on Luz's should. Luz finished reading and closed the book, sliding it back in place on its shelf. Luz accidentally moved causing Amity to grunt. She slowly snuggled back into her and stroked her purple hair. Amity slightly smiled and purred. "Woah did- did she ju-" Luz whispered in shock but quickly shut up because Amity's ears flicked reacting to the noise.

Luz re-adjusted them into a laying down position. Then she pulled Amity closer. Amity buried her head into Luz's chest. Luz was turning redder by the second. She wrapped her arms around Amity's waist to cuddle her.


Amity woke up, she tried to figure out what happened and where she was. She looked up to see Luz snoring and realized the position they were in. She practically screeched. "Huh- Wha-?" Luz said sluggishly. Amity shook her head and dug her face back into Luz's chest. Then everything hit Luz. "O-oh! Uhm y'know if you wanted more cuddles you should've asked." Luz said with a smirk.

Amity shot up a look at Luz which means to shut the fuck up. And Luz did exactly that. How can a Blight be so- scary?! Luz thought. She grabbed Amity's face. "Hey what are yo-" Amity said in surprise. "Your so... beautiful." Luz responded with a slight smile.

Amity was flustered. She couldn't speak, she was just extremely red. She pulled away. Luz backed off. "Oh.. I- I'm sorry Amity." She said. She got up, turned around and began to run out of the hideout. "Luz! Wait!!" Amity yelled, jumping to her feet with tears in her eyes. Luz didn't hear her, she just kept running until she was out of the Library.

Amity wanted to chase after her but she couldn't. Her body wouldn't move. She wanted to move but she couldn't.

—With Luz—

Luz ran into the woods, heading to the Owl House. She couldn't stop thinking about what she did. She couldn't stop thinking about Amity. In her mind all she thought was why did I do that! Amity! Amity! She probably hates me now! Luz cried, she stumbled upon twigs that fallen from the weird trees above.


I bursted through the door into the Owl House. Eda looked at me with a shocked expression. "Hey kid! What happened are you o-" Eda said before I cut her off. "N-not now Eda!" I said running towards my room slamming the door. I slide down against the wall. I buried my face into my knees. I then heard a buzz from my phone. I opened it.

Cotton candy haired goddess 💕❤️:
Hey Noceda.
Significant otter❤️🌈:
... Yeah Blight?
Cotton candy haired goddess 💕❤️:
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you leave. 
Significant otter❤️🌈:
It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have done that.
Cotton candy haired goddess 💕❤️:
Meet me at the grom tree, tomorrow at dusk. 7:30 PM sharp don't be late Noceda. I swear if you're late then I'll personally beat your ass.
Significant otter❤️🌈:
Yes ma'am! :)

I put down my phone, I smiled a little bit. Oh Amity. The things you do. I flopped on my bed looking at the ceiling. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

—POV: Amity Blight—

I smiled at my scroll then unsummoned it. I looked at the window in my room. I wanted to see Luz again. Even if I'd get into trouble. I sat up from my bed. I looked at my door and locked it. After I did all that, I unlocked my window and opened it. I looked back and then outside.

I walked on to the balcony. I created a circle with my finger and summoned an abomination to help me down. As soon as I got down the abomination disappeared. I jumped the gate and ran towards the woods.


"Hey bird tube." I said. Hooty wiggled around and smiled "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG HEY AMMMMIIIIITTTTTYYYY!!!!" Hooty exclaimed. "SHHH just get me to Luz's window." I crossed my arms, whispering. Hooty simply nodded "I CAN DO THAT!" He said with a laugh.

Hooty got me up to her window. I opened it and climbed in. "Thank you Bird Tube..." I whispered. "No problem Ammmity!" He said and he went back to the door. I looked at the sleeping brunette. She looked so beautiful as she snored. I laid down next to her. Immediately, she pulled me in. She wrapped her arm around my waist while the other was around my upper body. She buried her face into my chest. "A-amityyy...." She said, sleep talking. She smiled. I fell asleep holding her closer.

(Karma: Hey guys! I've been working on this for a bit and it has 1187 words! I'm proud of myself for this! Anyways. I was wondering, should I make this slightly smutty or smth or just keep it fluff? Please note that they are 16 in this story so don't come after me! Have a great night/day!)

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