Part 9 main

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After we had went to dinner and we was on our way back home our parents dropped us off cuz they was going to a Telly fa da night so we could do whatever we wanted but I really jus wanted to see my baby so I called him an he declined my call so I called again

"Bitch"I say as he declined it a second time so I looked at his location seeing is says 'no location found' so I jus nod to myself

"Igh bet" I let out before going on my laptop seeing where he was thru my other iCloud

"JADE"I yell seeing the address an putting it into my phone

"Wsp"she says coming standing in my door Fran already dressed in sum sweats an a hoodie with black forces

"We needa go see where es nigga at ride wimme"I say grabbing my daddy car keys off my drawer

"Igh bet then we slidin somewhere tn"she says an i nod putting on my shoes


After we pull up to where his location said he was I see his car so we walk up to it seeing it was moving back an forth so I open da car door seeing him fucking a bitch so I start swinging on him from behind trynna pull him out da car

"Get tf out" I say trynna pull him before he push me back an i run up again taking off on him punching him all in his shit

"Yooo chill"the girl says walking from the other side of the car before Jade takes off on her

"Get off her"I yell seeing another girl run an start jumping Jade so I run over er an i start pushing bitches off her an helpin her up before we both take off on the bitches then fucking some niggas grab Jade making me start whoopin on him

"Let ha go bitch"I say sticking him in his shit before shawn grabs me up

"Why u hit me fa"the boy says while I'm trynna get away from Shawn to get back at the bitches

"Naw lemme go" I say running away from him running up on the bitch rushing her while she was talking shit to her friend then I start hitting the other one too ian come to play df

"Jade u good" I yell lookin back after shawn grabs me again

"Yeah let me go Jayden"she lets out as she picks up her lip gloss off the ground

"Move im gone"I say pulling out my phone blocking shawn on er thing

"Bro u gotta chill out"he says trynna grab my phone before I move it away from him

"Bye" i say feeling for the keys

"We out Jade les go"I say picking up my lipgloss and walking away as shawn walks after me

We get to the car an i unlock the doors an she gets in lookin untouched making me smile

"Mama I'm sorry" he says grabbin my hand

"It's all good" i say in a calm tone trynna get inna car

"Baby forgive me"he lets out making me shake my head no

"Uhh uhh I gotta go"I say opening the car door getting in an putting on sum music an pulling off

"U okay stink"Jade let's out over the music looking over at me while I'm driving

"Yeah"I say looking down at my phone as my dad calls me

"Hello"i answer pulling into sonic

"What yall doing"my dad says

"We going to get food" i say pulling up to the speaker

"Oh okay yall playin on going anywhere tonight"my dad says an Jade nods

"Yeah" I say looking her to tell me where cuz ik he finna ask an i out him on mute

"Where we going"i say looking over at her

"Zions"she says an i nod an un mute my dad

"Where" he says

"Zions" I say

"Igh yall stay safe" i say as me an Jade daps eachother up

"We will love y'all"i say

"We love y'all too"Jade mom says an my dad hangs up and we order are food an i call Zion

"Hello"i say as he answers my FaceTime call

"Oh shit wsp"he says surprised

"We coming over y'all want sonic" i say

"Hell yeah imma send what we want thru texts" an i nod hanging up as I order their food as the texts came thru


As we make it to zions house I pull inna drive way grabbing the drinks and Jade grabs the food

"Yooo"i say coming in the house walking straight to the living room

"Wsg boo"kiah says making hug her I haven't seen em in weeks et Nigga had me on lock down I sit down the drinks

"Y'all missed me"i say bending over shaking my ass to da music that was playin inna back ground

"I did"Zion let's put walking from upstairs making me roll my eyes an go sit down going in the bag gettin my food

"U ain't gone speak to me"Zion says pulling me up off the couch making me hug him

"Hi"i say laughing cuz I missed his vibe fr

"Don't hi me tf"he says making me hug him back

"Missed yo ass fr"he says putting his hands on my ass making me straight face him even tho I loved it

"Where yo girl at"I say sitting back down eating some of my cheese stick

"Man fuck that bitch she weird trynna set a nigga up an shit"he says getting real serious

"That's what u get cuz u shoulda jus kept fwm"i say laughing in his face before he jumps on me

"Get off of me"i say laughing as he putting his big ass body on me

"Naaaa I gotta show u how much I missed u"he lets out while everyone just looks at us an minds they business

1 hour later...

I fall asleep onna couch I was tired asl till I feel someone pick me up

"Wtf" i say as I open my eyes seeing it's blurry

"Chill mama" i hear Zions voice so I jus lay my head back on his shoulder an fall asleep

Next morning.....

I wake up seeing my body on top of Zions and I jus sit my head up on his chest an look up at him rubbin his face I get up after about 5 minutes

"Aaaa"i groan as I stretch my top half walking to his bathroom seeing my face breaking out a lil bit so I grab his face wash we used the same thing an i start washing my face then I grab a new toothbrush and brush my teeth after that I get inna shower playing music washing my body


After being in the shower for about 15 minutes I see the curtain move so I look out the shower an i see Zion taking off his shirt an closing the door

"Boy what you doing"I say as he's takin off all his clothes an got his dick out slangin making my mouth drop on how big it was

"Scoot"he says opening the curtains as I'm washing my body he was sticking his dick on my butt making me horny but Ian wanna lose it yet

"U like dat"he says making me look back an mugg him

"Stop playin wimme"I say laughing pushing him back

"My fault beautiful"he says he pulls my face towards his face an i start kissing him nasty asf I wanted to fuck him real bad but I won't

He gribbin my ass an my throat he one nasty mf so he pulls away kissing me I wash my body one more time before we get out
To be continued....

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