[26] Home, Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

Everyone was silent, but the silence didn't last long. After they all walked over to the car and saw that he was blindfolded and tied up, they all knew the reason because we didn't trust him. And then the questions came.

"What the hell is this?" Shane asked. "Why is he here?"

"I'll explain everything, but first, Hershel needs to do surgery on his leg," Rick said. "He impaled his knee on a barbed fence, and there is a good chance he'll bleed out if it doesn't happen soon."

Patricia looked apprehensive, but after a pause, she said, "I'll prep the shed."

"We'll get him moved over," Rick said. "Daryl, help?"

Daryl looked at him for a moment but nodded his head. He helped Rick lift Randall out of the car, carrying him towards the shed where Patricia had just left for. I wondered why they were taking him over so soon when neither Patricia nor Hershel was ready for the surgery just yet. Then I realised that it may not be the best decision to keep Randall hanging around the farm until they were ready, where everyone could look at him. And what if he woke up? Hiding him away would be better for the situation right now.

Hershel came out of the house moments later with a metal tray of things I assumed were for the surgery. It didn't seem like a lot, but I assumed that either he or Patricia would get what they needed after the shed was ready.

I watched them leave for the shed, wondering what I should do. Part of me thought that I wouldn't need to be there for Rick to explain what happened in town because I was there, I saw what happened, and I didn't really want to live through it again. The other part of me knew I should stay, everyone would have questions, and I knew that it wouldn't be easy on Rick to answer them all. He had just killed two people, and even if it was necessary, he probably wasn't in the best state of mind right now.

So I stayed.

Glenn leaned back on the car, crossing his arms. He looked as tired and upset as I felt, which concerned me a little, but his silence was understood. He just lived through the same night as me, and there were long moments when we were separated, where anything could have happened that I didn't see. The first one that popped into mind was the gunshot when Glenn had been sent down into the backroom alone.

I wanted to ask if he was okay or do something to make him feel better, but nothing came to mind. When Maggie tried speaking to him earlier, he walked away from her, and if she couldn't do anything to make him feel better, I had no faith that I would be able to do anything.

Shane stepped in front of me, interrupting me from my thoughts, placing both his hands on my shoulders. "You okay?"

"No," I shook my head, "I'm good."

"You're not hurt or anything?" He asked, turning my head to the side. "What happened?"

"Rick will tell everyone," I said, pushing his hands away. "Just let him."

Shane being this worried after he said he wouldn't help annoyed me a little, and his mood completely flip-flopped whenever he felt like it made him hard to keep up with. It was exhausting trying to tell whether Shane was angry with Rick or actually worried, and it only just made me angrier with him.

His jaw clenched, but he seemed to accept my answer, leaving me standing by the car while we waited for Rick to return. 

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Rick gathered everyone in the dining room so he could explain what happened in the town, and they were all very eager to hear his answer. He stood at the head of the table, silent for a moment, probably trying to work out the best way to begin.

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