PICK ME! (Scenario) Yandere SCP 035 X Immune SCP Listener X Yandere SCP 049

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another scenario, finally after more than two weeks (?) anyway! This one is SCP 035 and SCP 049 competing for SCP Listener. The Request did not say what type of SCP she is so I just made her immune to both SCP 035 and SCP. So she can wear SCP 035 without dying and being melted away and She can touch SCP 049 without dying. I am going to start now wish me luck, please enjoy this chapter!] 

(No One's POV) (Compete) 

(Name) was in the testing chamber, the SCP Foundation had agreed to have a little meeting between SCP 049, SCP (Your number), and SCP 035. (Name) is immune to both of these SCPS which is their anomaly. So they are the middle man for these two SCPS. Right now SCP 035 and SCP 049 are arguing. They are trying to say who is a better friend for (Name). (Name) is not really paying them any mind. They had tasks to do. 

"Will you two stop!" They snap at the pair. "We have tasks to do, how about this? The first one to finish their tasks will get a kiss from me." 

The two stared at her and then rushed to do the first task. It of course was a disaster. It was an IQ Test. (Name) worked on their test while SCP 035 was trying to cheat and make SCP 049 give the wrong answers. Next was a test in physical strength. 

SCP 035 had a strong body he was on today so he was lifting weights very well. Why SCP 049 was struggling a bit more with it. SCP 049 glares at SCP 35. 

"You are not even lifting them by yourself!" SCP 049 snaps at his former friend. "You are just using a flesh suit!" 

"Not my fault you are just weak, Doctor." He laughs and SCP 049 glares. How DARE He! 

SCP 049 pounces on SCP 035 and pulls him into a headlock. 

"(Name) is mine! They do not belong to you!" He yells at SCP 035. 

SCP 035 clothes at the flesh clothes of SCP 049 laughing. "Hahahahaha nice try my good friend! But I do not need to breathe!" 

"Will you two stop!" (Name) shouts at them, hands on their hips. "You both are being stupid." 

"It is his fault!" Both of them say at the same time to (Name). 

"I do not care whose fault it is, I also, do not care who started it. I am ending it." She snaps at them. 

The test ended and it was a tie, the two started to yell about who did better. (Name) rolls their eyes and then pulls SCP 049 into an awkward kiss because of his mask. Then pulled SCP 035 into a kiss as well. 

"There you both got a kiss, I am going back to my cell!" They snap at the pair and wipe their mouth with their sleeve. "Good night boys." 

The Two of them watch as a guard pulls (Name) away and they see the guard checking out their ass. 

The two realized with their petty competing they had not noticed the filth after their (Name). The two looked at each other. A silent agreement was made. They would work together to get (Name) to be theirs. (Name) would only belong to them and no one else. Then they can worry about getting rid of the other. Right now they have to work together, then maybe they can share (Name). If not they will have to get rid of each other. 

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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