Chapter Two

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Laena Valaryon had died

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Laena Valaryon had died.
And she had done so on Vysella Arryns sixteenth name day. The joy that was supposed to be felt on this day was completely overshadowed by the grief and sadness of such a loss. If it wasn't for the name-day gifts from her parents, the young Vysella would have also forgotten all about it.

Vysella had been very fond of Laena when she had been at court. She enjoyed her wit, her kindness and her grace. Admittedly they had not spent much of their time together, but that did not mean that Vysella did not care for the woman.

Driftmark was a beautiful place, Vysella wished that she could have been there for different circumstances. She did not want to sit and mourn, she wanted to run and explore. To view the castle from top to bottom with the princes, to run through the corridors like a child, chasing Prince Joffrey or being chased by the relentless Aegon.

Vysella wore her black hair partially down with the front half pulled back from her face. The girls hair was a sight to be seen, as she grew older, more and more wisps of silver protruded from her head,  you could see the beauty of it weaving through her light curls. She wore a dark grey dress to the funeral, simple yet elegant, she did not enjoy wearing plain colours, but today she would put giving respect over what she truly wanted.

"Little Sella?" A soothing voice drifted into her ears. Her lilac eyes snapped up at the sound, trying to decipher why it was so familiar. "Look how much you've grown."

"Princess Rhaenyra." Vysella smiled, curtseying to the heir of the seven kingdoms, better known to her as her cousin.

Rhaenyra smiled broadly and pulled the younger girl into a hug. The princess loved her cousin dearly, she used to look after her when she first arrived at the red keep. Rhaenyra had always been fond of Vysellas mother and father as they were always so kind to her when she was younger.

Vysella squeezed Rhaenyra with all her might. It had been at least a year since she had seen her last. The last time they were together was when the Prince Joffrey had been born, an unusual name for a Valyrian but Vysella was not stupid, she knew that Rhaenyra's children were bastards, and she knew that she was not the only person to have these thoughts. Over the shoulder of Rhaenyra, Vysella could see the narrowed eyes of Queen Alicent staring at them from across the courtyard.

Over the years, Vysella had grown to dislike the Queen. She did not like the grudges she held against her cousin, all for a discrepancy that happened when they were younger. Vysella had often heard the Queen curing Rhaenyra's name for no reason other than the Princess was happy and she was not. She liked to think that her only redeeming quality was the love that she had for her kids, but even that was wrong. Aegon was constantly reminded of how much a failure he was, Aemonds plights had been ignored as she allowed him to be bullied by the family that should care for him, Daeron had been sent away to live in Oldtown, and Helaena was simply ignored.

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