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THE SHE-WOLF'S BATTLEFIELD ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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282 AC, King's Landing

"What of Aenys?"

"Sounds too much like Aerys," Rosalie shook her head, denying yet another one of Rhaegar's name suggestions.


"It sounds a lot like Aemond, which makes me think of Aemond 'The Kinslayer' and that's not the kind of namesake I want for my child," Rosalie shook her head. She was being difficult, but she didn't want to be stuck with the wrong name for her son or daughter.

"But it's not Aemond, it's Aemon," Rhaegar reasoned. "After my great-uncle at the Wall."

"Exactly, there already is a living Aemon Targaryen," Rosalie said. "What is it with your family and wanting everyone to have the same name. It's like when Rhaenyra Targaryen named her son Aegon even though her half-brother already was named Aegon."

And when my disrespectful aunt, now sister, named her own son after her husband's dead son.

"It's not though," Rhaegar pointed out.

"But it still sounds a lot like Aemond," Rosalie shook her head, shifting a little where she sat cross-legged on their bed, leaning against the pillows. In front of her, Rhaegar was lying on his side, propped up on his elbow.

"Very well, love," Rhaegar said with an irritated sigh, "do you have any suggestions of your own?"

"Aelyx," Rosalie suggested.

Rhaegar scrunched up his nose, "And that doesn't sound a lot like Aerys?"

"Not as much as Aenys," Rosalie rolled her eyes, knowing very well what he was doing. "What about Daemon?"

"That's Aemond but with the 'D' moved from the end to the beginning of the name," Rhaegar smirked.

"No one would think about that," Rosalie argued. "And I like the name. And there has never been a King Daemon before."

"There has been a Prince Daemon though," Rhaegar pointed out.

"Perhaps we should try with girl names instead," Rosalie suggested. "It might be a girl."

"What of Visenya?" Rhaegar said.

"I feel like that would be unfair to Aegon and Rhaenys," Rosalie shook her head, placing a hand on her stomach. "And it just doesn't feel like a Visenya." Then she joked, "Perhaps we should name her after your mother - that way she might like me a bit more."

"My mother is very fond of you," Rhaegar insisted.

"Aye, just like my father is fond of you," Rosalie said sarcastically.

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