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THE LITTLE RASCAL✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧

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265 AC, Winterfell

Rosalie had one major problem in the moment and it was that she had no idea how to act like a real baby. Despite that her movements and speech had been that of a newborn when she was born she found herself getting ahold of herself faster than she thought was normal.

She, of course, couldn't remember a thing from when she was born the last time and had no idea how quickly children learned different things. How fast she could 'develop' without it being really weird,

Thinking back to when Rickon and Bran was born, since she had been old enough by them to actually remember it, she tried to recall major events. But it was hard and she was sure every child was different.

Like, when would it be normal for her to start sitting up. Some nights when she was bored she would try getting control over her limbs again by lifting her arms. After approximately one moon she had been managed to roll over which had shocked her parents greatly the next morning so she guessed she was a bit too fast on that one.

If she sat up to early it would certainly look weird and the same thing would happen if she suddenly started walking around. Thinking back Bran and Rickon started walking and sitting on their own when they were around one year. Maybe.

But that was a really, really long time ahead. Especially when you didn't do anything other than eating, pooping and sleeping all day and night. Maybe her younger brothers were just a little slow. Perhaps she could start sitting a little earlier and follow that up by walking when she was around 8 moons? Maybe earlier?

She considered what the worst thing that could happen was if she was a little faster in her development that the average baby and her conclusion was that her parents would see her as somewhat of a prodigy. And that wasn't too bad.

She knew that the lessons that would start when she grew older would be extremely easy for her because she had already done it before without any problems. Her mother had imprinted the proper etiquettes of a lady into her brain for years and her father had allowed her to practice swordplay along with her brothers. That had to give her an advantage.

Another thing she found herself struggling with was the screaming and crying part. Most babe's screamed and cried a lot but even she found herself to be annoying at times so she stayed quiet. The problem was that it led her parents to think she was sick so to avoid any further worry she tried to cry every time she was hungry, guessing that was what babe's did.

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