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Millie's POV:
"Fine, if you really are princess flower then do you have the dress that she wore to the latest ball?" I asked Flower.
"Ha ha I didn't go to the latest ball, I was busy helping set up for the village mash up, but I do have the dress I wore to the anual meet up. Follow me." She said as she started to walk to another room. If she wasn't the princess after all, then she sure knew her stuff.
She led me into a room that I'd asume would be her bedroom and brought a large crate out, inside the crate she had many dresses but after a bit of searching, she pulled out a purple dress with yellow flowers on it.
"Wow, so your really the princess?" I asked again.
"If it wasn't obvious, yes" She said as she put the dress back in the crate and put the crate away.
I asked some questions and she answered for a while, but it got dark soon so I ended up walking home.
I was about halfway home when I heard 'HEY' from somewhere near me.
When I looked around I saw movement it a dark alley near me.
"Hello?" I asked as I neared the alleyway.
"Hey there," the voice said as it came out of the alleyway, it was less of an 'it' but more like a 'they'. They had shoulder length dark brown hair and they were dressed in a dark cloak with a hood,"do ya want some candy?" They asked, smiling an, awfully, terrible smile.
"What. The. @&$¥." I said as I started to walk away.
"WAIT NOOO!!! DONT LEAVE ME HERE!" They said as they, literally, crawled after me.
"WAIT! I remember you! Your the crazy girl that tried to set Arow on fire because they 'needed their soul to be cleansed'!" I said as I spun around to face them.
"And I'll do it again"
"Hmm, i like you, you can stay with me cause I doubt you have a home."
Once we got back to my house I let them inside and they immediately started taking the most random things and making a 'nest' I asume.
"So I never got your name?" I asked as I made myself comfy on the sofa.
"Edward, my parents hate me." She said as she finished her nest and fell asleep immediately.
Yay you made it
400 words

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