I want Grandbabies!

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Embarrassing Parents Trope

Sweetheart I am so happy you're finally here!", my mother said while squeezing me

"I'm happy to see you too mom" I said, hugging back.

Nate had already gotten his hug from my mom and was getting my bags out of the car. He was able to pull out my luggage and looked at it smugly, like he was gloating to it about the fact that it didn't best him this time around.

I simply rolled my eyes and made my way inside the house while my mom rambled about everything we missed while at school.

Once inside my eyes immediately darted to Allister who had been watching us through the window.

"Hi baby! Did you miss me? I missed you so much!!" I said while hugging him.

He snuggled into my embrace and meowed at me in response to my question.

"And the cat lady has her cat back," Nate said, chuckling.

"If your just jealous over the fact that I like him more than you than just say so"

"Jealous? No way. Besides, me and Allister are tight. Isn't that right buddy?" he asked while giving Allister chin scratches.

The furry traitor purred at him and I simply scoffed at them.

I carried Allister into the kitchen and saw my mom serving up glasses of lemonade while pulling cookies out of the oven.

"Nate, your parents were called into the office earlier so they aren't home right now. You can stay here while you wait if you would like." my mom said.

"Perfectly fine with me. No way am I missing out on your cookies. They were always the best" he said as he swiped a cookie off the serving plate.

I put Allister down to grab a cookie and a glass of lemonade. Nate was right, these cookies are the best.

"So, why don't you tell me about college life Lilly. Any potential boyfriends I need to be aware of?" my mother said with a curious look in her eyes.

"Mom, you know I'm not dating. I'm focusing on my studies and hanging out with my friends whenever I get a chance."

"I know, I know. But you can't fault me for asking. I'm not getting any younger you know, I want to at least be able to make cookies for my grandkids before I go." she said while she sipped her lemonade.

"You will mom, but I at least want to graduate before I get married." I responded

"Alright, I'll drop it but I want to be the first to know the second you're off the market." she says while wagging her finger.

I respond with a simple "ok" while chuckling at her antics.

*A few hours later*

"It's great to see you again Nate", Nate's mom, Jennifer Evans, squealed.

They just got back home from the office and decided to meet us at my mom's house.

"It's great to see you too mom", Nate answered.

"So son, how's college? You still breaking hearts on campus or did you finally decide to get serious?" Nate's dad, Leon Evans, asked.

"Me? Serious? Never." Nate said, chuckling.

"What about you Lily? Any man in your life yet?" Mrs.Evans asked

"Don't bother asking Jennifer, she's no closer to being in a relationship than she was the last time she was here" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks for that mom" I say back

"Mary, leave your daughter alone. Let her finish her education if that is what she wants. We could use more women in business." Mrs.Evans states while giving me a wink.

I always knew I liked her.

Mrs.Evans turns back to both me and Nate, "So what do you guys plan on doing tonight? I can imagine you'll want to meet up with all your friends."

"How about you kids go out to the new club tonight? I've heard that it's a place some of your friends frequent so you might see them there." Mr.Evans suggests

"That sounds like a great idea dad! A night out in our hometown with some old friends sounds like a great start to this summer break." Nate says

My mother seemed to sense that I was about to decline the offer when she spoke up and said, "Lily, I have the perfect dress for you to wear tonight! I bought one for you a few days ago that I thought would be perfect for a night out and I am glad I did."

"I better get to my parents house and get ready too. I'll pick you up in an hour Lily"

Sometimes I really hate my friends and family. We just got here and I wanted to spend the night at home with my mom and Allister.

At least it's not a date. I have a sneaking suspicion that my mom will try to set me up at least once during the summer. If I can find my friends and stick with them maybe mom won't try anything.

It's time to get my party on.

***Hi guys, here is the next chapter! Please let me know what you think about this chapter and what you want to see next. Until next time!***

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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