To Cuddle Or Not To Cuddle

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Forced Proximity Trope

The vent directly above my bed would not turn off as I got into bed. Despite being under multiple blankets I was still cold because of how thin they are.

I can't believe the only room left in this hotel has a broken a/c that won't shut off. These hotel blankets freaking suck, I'd be warmer wearing those damn hotel towels! I said in my head.

In an effort to keep warm I completely wrapped myself up in my blankets covering everything but my eyes and nose.

My friend, Nate, looked at me as he walked out of the bathroom and laughed saying, "You look like an angry burrito."

I simply glared back at him as I was too cold to argue.

He laughed at my silent glare and said, "These blankets aren't that bad, you'll be fine."

"Clearly you haven't felt how thin these things are" I spat back at him.

"More like you're a drama queen who can't handle a little cold air. Who knew thin blankets would be your weakness?" He said while mocking my misery.

"Well if I don't warm up, I'm gonna catch a cold" I exclaimed, covering my full face in the 'blankets'.

I heard Nate sigh slightly, like he was thinking about something, when I felt my bed shift. I uncovered my face and saw him sitting on the edge of my bed looking straight at me.

"Listen, Lily" he starts "if you're really that cold, I could stay on your bed with you. You could be warmer that way but only if you're ok with it."

The a/c seemed to start blowing harder than before and after a few moments debating whether or not my ego was worth the cold I was going to catch, I nodded my head yes.

Once he got in the bed and seemed to have gotten somewhat comfortable, I scooched in next to him and basked in the heat that his furnace of a body put off.

This isn't so bad, I began to think. Then, like the idiot that my friend is, he says "I thought you didn't like cuddles" while snickering. Talk about a mood killer.

I lightly punched his chest in response and then slowly settled back into him. "Tell anybody and you're dead"

"That should be my line," he says.

"And why is that? Last time I checked I was the one that looked like a killer burrito" I said.

"You did and I stand by that statement"

"That still doesn't answer my question" I state.

The a/c seemed to blow a little softer now as I searched his face for an answer. After a few seconds it clicks.

"I guess you have a point seeing as neither of us are known for having soft sides" I stated "we both have reputations to uphold"

In that moment, we both looked at each other, seemingly coming to a mutual understanding. 

*The Next Morning*

I would never admit this out loud but last night was the best night of sleep I have probably ever had in my life. I wasn't cold once and I didn't even wake up throughout the night like usual.

When I woke up I realized that both his hands had moved from my waist. One was now resting on my thigh while the other had made its way to the back of my head.

I tried not to stare at him while he slept but my eyes caught a detail on him that I always thought was his best feature, freckles.

He never liked them even though I found them adorable. Yes I would tease him about them.

I felt him shift slightly and right as I was about to pretend to sleep before Nate caught me staring, he opened his eyes and said, "I know I'm a sight to behold but staring at people is rude."

Arrogant prick.

"I prefer it when you're sleeping and your mouth is shut" I said.

"Oh yes, I can tell by how comfortable you've made yourself on me" He says with a half smile half smirk. I look down and realize I'm basically on top of him at this point. Curse him for being so comfortable! I think.

I quickly got off of him and got off the bed.

"No! Come back! You're exposing me to the elements" he whined. I laughed at his dramatic statement and started to go to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Seems like you would've been just fine with those blankets" I sarcastically say from the bathroom.

I heard him grumbling from all the way in the bathroom. I laughed at his misery, Serves him right, I thought.

I proceed to freshen myself up in the bathroom. Once I walked out I saw that he was glaring at me from the bed under the blankets.

"Now who looks like an angry burrito?" I joked

"About time you got out" he muttered, "You should repay my favor"

I looked at him incredulously, "And who said I had to repay you?"

"I did, right now"

"And exactly how do you expect me to repay you?" I asked

"Come over here and find out," he said.

"I am not having sex with you" I deadpanned while looking for an outfit to wear.

"Now why did your mind go there of all places?" Nate asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes.

"Get up, we don't wanna miss the hotel's free breakfast" I said while throwing a pair of shorts at him.

He shot up at the mention of food and headed towards the bathroom to get ready.

As I waited for him after getting dressed I checked how long it would take for us to get to our destination, we still had 5 hours to go.

I sat down on the bed and thought, Five hours with him, after our whole cuddle fest last night. I quickly pushed those thoughts away when he came out of the bathroom.

I regretted looking at him the second I saw him in the shorts I threw at him. They were riding dangerously low and all I could think was, God really does have his favorites.

He looked up at me with a smirk. "Let's get some food in you before you try to eat me, though I wouldn't exactly mind" he said as he walked out the door.

I walked out behind him and pretended to be annoyed while rolling my eyes at his remark.

This is going to be one hell of a summer.

**Thought I'd give you guys another chapter seeing as I was bored at school and had nothing else to do. Let me know what you think and  what you want to see our characters go through next!**

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