cold affections [ ❥ ]

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"Cold?" A voice asks from beside you, cutting through the roar of the stadium around you and tearing your attention away from the hockey game playing out in front of you. Glancing to your left, you see Deacon looking at you with a grin as he stands beside you.

You nod, swaying on your feet as you lean onto the plexiglass screen between you and the rink as you shrug. "A little."

Biting back a yawn, you fist your hands in your pockets and ignore the chill that's been creeping into your bones for the last hour. It's Deacon's first night off in a month and you wanted to spend it doing something he enjoyed - and if that meant freezing your ass off in a hockey rink for the night, you'd do it if it meant seeing him happy.

He smiles at you, shaking his head a little at your nonchalance when he can literally see your jaw clenching with shivers. He appreciated you going to all the effort of getting tickets for the night and roughing it out in a less than peaceful environment, but he wanted to you get some bit of enjoyment out of it too. As cute as you looked all swaddled up in one of his SWAT-issued pullovers and a coat of his you'd snagged as you got out of the car, he bet you'd look and feel a lot better if you weren't freezing cold for his sake.

He steps behind you, putting a hand on your hip and keeping you facing the rink as he wraps his arms around you. Pulling you back against his chest, he squeezes you tight against him and grins as he feels you relax back into him. He slips his hands into your coat pockets and seeks out your cold hands, wrapping them up in his larger ones and resting his chin on your shoulder with a smile. "That better?"

"Mhm." You say sheepishly, heat rising to your cheeks as you intertwine your fingers with Deacon's in your pockets and squeezing his hands tightly. "So much better."

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