nowhere to be [ ❥ ]

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When you wake in the morning, it's not to sunlight streaming in through the curtains or the radio playing from down in the kitchen. It's pouring down from an overcast sky, and there's a warm hand rubbing soothing circles into the bare skin of your back.

Once the scents of cologne and gun oil reaches you, you know it's Deacon laying beside you in the bed. Almost instantly, you're relaxing under his touch as you let out a tired groan into the pillows and you can hear his soft laugh at the sound.

The warmth of his arm laying over your side nullifies the effect of the cold morning air, and you start shifting closer to him. The bed creaks as he moves too, and the scruff of his beard tickles your cheek as he kisses you softly.

You can feel the smile on his lips and as you shift onto your side, you can't help but show him one of your own. "G'morning."

"Morning, honey." Deacon tells you, eyes flitting lovingly up and down your tired face. He tugs you a little closer, his hand coming to rest in the hollow of your lower back. "You sleep okay?"

"So good." You say contentedly, looping your arm over his waist in my the same fashion he's holding you. A small blush tints his cheeks at the gesture, and he responds by tilting his head up to press a kiss to your forehead instead.

His bashfulness is as endearing as ever and you aw softly at him. He dismissively rolls his eyes but makes no attempt to move out of your embrace and just smiles as you lay into him. Droplets of rain hitting the roof fills the silence between you, and as Deacon begins tracing his hand down the rivulets of your spine you find yourself being lulled closer and closer to sleep once more.

He's entirely too comfortable to be held by, and you know you'll fall right back asleep if you don't stop yourself. Laying your cheek against his shoulder, you blink yourself awake and ask the million-dollar question. "There's nothing too pressing on today, is there?"

He hums softly under his breath, and you can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. "Not that I can think of."

"Brilliant." You aren't bothered to mask your relief, and it makes Deacon laugh. He shakes his head as he pulls the covers back up over the both of you, and squeezes you tight against him once again.

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