Chapter 1: Reborn as a What!?! Act: 5

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No One P.O.V:

It was the next day of Beacon.  hero Y/N finds himself roaming and touring the halls of beacon. In search of the cafeteria for a hardy breakfast. As Y/N strolls around he can't help but feel as if something is watching him. " Hmmm... I'm being tailed by a strange aura..." Y/N thinks to himself as he makes it to the stairs.  He began to walk down with the feeling still within him. He glances to the window in in the reflection, He briefly sees a... old man? The man himself has his face cover ed in shadows casted by the bowler hat he dawns, the olden gentlemen appeared to wear a dark black overcoat with a yellow and orange squared spangled scarf. " What the..." Y/N says to himself as the figure disappeared entirely. "LOOK OUT!" A voice calls from in front of him as y/N tripped over the now revealed fellow attendee of Beacon, Cardin Winchester and his team. They all fall to the bottom of the stairs, but Y/N quickly manifested D$C to grab onto the last of the railing... saving Y/N from a terrible injury as Cardin's mace positioned itself near Y/N's neck...somehow... a near fatal injury indeed. " Yo watch where you're going doofus". One of Cardin's teammates/lackeys shouted. This kid being known as Dove Bronzewing. The other one known as Sky Lark raised his weapon but Cardin stops him. " No... This freaks mine..." Cardin says. Y/N stares at the four unfazed. " OOOOH YA HEAR THAT!" Russel, another member of Cardins team says to instigate. " You're the new kid right? Heh... Honestly you don't even look like much... Goodwitches class... 12:34...Got it newbie? " Cardin hisses at Y/N as he began to walk away. Dove tries to go after Y/N but Cardin stops him.... '' I said he's mine..." Cardin said, practically shouting at his teammate. Dove just nodded as team CRDL walks on their business. Y/N wanders a bit and runs into a odd girl... " PAAAAAAAANCAAAAKEEEESSSS!!!!!!" The orange haired girl said, speeding around the corner and quite literally crashing into Y/N. " Nora wait up!" a male voice calls from behind. " head..." The energetic girl known now as Nora opens her eyes to see a downed Y/N. " Oh dear I'm sorry!". She said as she hoisted y/N with ungodly strength to his feet. " Oh... you're the one that put ol Weiss in the infirmary... Y/N l/N right?" She said as she looked at him. " Names Nora Valkyrie!"  She added. Y/N stares at her as he was about to speak a voice chimed in. " Nora! How many times do I have to tell you... Lokk where you're going!" says a male voice. Said voice belongs to a boy, his black hair flowed out in his green attire, his magenta eyes met with Nora's turquoise ones. The boy walks up to y/N and bows. " I'm sorry for my teammate... Shes a bit... excitable since we're heading back to our dorm... I'm Lie Ren by the way." Lie Ren says as he extended his hand to Y/N. Y.N doing the best common courtesy he knows promptly shakes it and responds. " No no... It's alright, no harm no foul." They all looked at each other as a moment of silenced passed... " Well... we really should get going...  C'mon Nora... those pancakes won't make themselves. Ren says as Nora squeals in a high pitch tone in excitement as she races off again. " Nora come on! We talked about literally 12 seconds ago! " Ren says as he began to jog after her. Y/N then wanders his eyes to a nearby clock on the wall. " Only 6:35... my first class doesn't start till 8:20" Y/N notes as he continues to try to make his way to the cafeteria.


Time Skip: 8:20.

Y/N: P.O.V:

I find myself yet again roaming the halls, this time with a purpose. I was making my way to Professor's Ooblecks class. I wandered for a bit until I found the room Ruby told me to go. How fortunate I ran into team Rwby, minus Weiss as she's still recovering, on the 4th flour of the main building. They led me to the cafeteria and I ate with them. It was fun as we sat and enjoyed each other's company. Ruby was running about getting her food... and lots... when I mean lots I mean...LOTS...of cookies... Yang was just being herself, cracking her awful puns and flirting with practically everyone and Blake actually since our encounter yesterday spoke.  I am a bit late because lets say, Beacon Academy has to many stairs... I find myself nearing the door as I reached for the handel... From the other side I heard what sounded like... fighting? I open the door as a mass of darkness blurrs at me, it charges at me full speed and crashes into me. I noticed it wasn't just a mass of darkness but a Grimm. A Boarbatusk to be exact. "OH NO IT ESCSAPED! SOMEONES INJURED THERE". A voice calls from inside the class as I summoned D4C and uppercut the Boarbatusk's head as it disintegrated. I Look down to see one of its tusks embedded in my abdomen. " What a time to not have a working aura..." I say in my predicament " The only amount of aura I have is when I summon D4C... since I didn't have D4C or Love train activated I took a direct blow...damn it!" I curse to myself mentally. A blonde kid in armor and armed with a shield and sword comes running from the mini arena inside and rushes to my aid. " Dear Oum are you okay?" The blonde kid asked as I just gave him a blank expression. " We need some medical attention pronto!" Calls Professor Oobleck. All the students rush to see the commotion outside including team RBY and what I now know as team JNPR, which is where REN AND Nora are from. In fact, this blonde kid I have seen with them as well... Jaune Arc... And from what I can piece so far He was the one fighting the Boarbatusk. " Im...Fine...Carry on with the class." I say as I get up, bleeding from the wound I received. " But your injured you can-" Jaune says as I cut him off. " Tis but a scratch." I say as I yank the tusk out of my abdomen, I let out a gasp of air" This pain was overbearing but I must continue with my duty as a student... and! " I mention to them, earning me a hush silence followed by whispers of the students. Jaune and Oobleck looked at me in worry and shock as I march my way into the classroom and took a seat near the back. All the students returned to their spots as well as I hold my side to stop the bleeding and shut my eyes. " Are you okay? That looks pretty serious..." A familiar female voice calls as I reopen my eyes to see ruby. " you have a book...?" I asked. she looked at me bewildered in confusion and handed me a book. " Uhh... buddy Im not sure if taking notes is going to help your situatio-" Ruby says. I put my finger between the pages and close the book on them. I focused really hard as everything stops for a moment. The noise of chatting, Professor Ooblecks long tangents about his past. Everything stood still as I feel myself falling... falling and searching... " There" I say as a array of lights and stars aligned into a tunnel as a travel forward. I see a bright light as everything returned to normal.  When I look to my wound it was now gone, I successfully swapped bodies with an alternate universe version of me. "HO-HOW...WHA!?!" Ruby shouts in shock as I put my finger to her lips and hushed her. " It just works..." I replied. She stuttered more and looked at me in amazement, I then smile at her and do my signature saying " Dojyaaaaaaa~n!"


[TO BE CONTINUED=========>]

{Wonder_Of_U here, sorry for the delayed update, I had some college related stuff I had to focus on so for that I apologize. I hope I haven't kept you my dear viewers waiting long. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and... can you guess the surprise visitor from the Og Jojo universe? hint it's a stand. Comment it bellow if you got the reference and also feedback. like grammar, or if anything's bad about the story I need to change or even somethings you like. One act reaming for this chapter then we move to chapter 2!  As usual Wonder_Of_U Out} 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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