A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Alright. In the Allegiances you might/will see a lot of unrealistic pelt combinations and a few cats with lilac/lavender or mint eyes. Not sure if mint eyes are a problem though.

If you see mistakes in my writing or something that really bothers you that you might want me to fix, sure! Go ahead and comment what the concern is! Just be nice though, because, well, I don't really like toxic people and stuff, but this is also my first story that I might actually write more than 1 chapter in lol-

Anyways, I'm looking forward to writing this book!

Rebooting this book is gonna be fun. I hope. I hope I don't lose interest in this. The rebooted version will be in first person since, well, I prefer to write in first person. Haven't written much in third person lately.... yeah.

Enjoy :)

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