1| The Experiments

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A dark and cold laboratory. Doctor Kurt Von Braun treaded through the halls, a grin on his face but his eyes still tired and his body pleading otherwise. The doors open to a brightly-lit room, and he walks over to what looks like a container holding test tubes of all sorts of colors. He takes a syringe and extracts some light-blue liquid from a container labeled 'COMPOUND-X' in thick sharpie marker on a strip of scotch tape. It was the year 2052 but it looked like something from the early 2000's, for which a period he was merely an infant at. He stared at the mesmerizing component for longer than what was healthy. His assistant knocked on the doorframe and leaned on the edge of it.
"Good morning, Sir." She said, a smile in her voice. Her voice was muffled from under the mask, but it was enough for him to notice her presence and he turned around, giving the woman a smile.
"Morning, Sean." He said. "Sleep well?" He asked, and turned to look at her from the side.
"Eh, it's manageable." She said, "But the nightmares keep coming back."
"Really?" He said, and panned his head over to the side. "What kind of nightmares are they?"
"They remind me of the future." She said, Braun turned his head to look over at her while still fiddling with the test tube. Remind her? He thought. What does she mean, "remind?" The thought meant nothing to him after he shook it off.
"I've been having the same dreams too." He spoke up from the uncomfortable silence. Sean perked her head up from her dream of staring at the floor.
"Really?" She asked, confused. She had known of her colleagues' past, but she had never assumed that he would start being delusional and anything that followed. But it seems the truth had finally caught up to him.
But what was that truth?
"Yeah." He concluded, regretting now speaking.
Braun finished collecting the serum from those test tubes. The light blue liquid gleamed in front of him, letting off an exuberant light. He was almost excited to be underway with these experiments and see what the powers of such a liquid could contain. He had used it before, but never to an extent of what he was going to perform. He was surprised the government could even get the approval of such a thing, but the place was sketchy and so the government only needed to follow. It was a stupid idea for normal people, but it was a brilliant one for scientists.
He and Sean walked out the door and treaded down the cold corridor, the light illuminating as they walked by. There was a loud hum buzz from the lights and the walls were a whitewashed white, but they reeked of unclean air fresheners and chemical combinations. It was essentially a never ending maze of his career that he never studied for.
They walked into a large room where three people stood petrified. They were chained against their will and their hands were locked to the floor, it was the most inhumane conditions. One woman looked to be about in her twenties, she had blonde hair and she had a horrified expression on her face, but Dr. Braun couldn't help but smile. The woman screamed against the glass, her voice severely muffled and almost silenced. Braun and Sean looked at each other, and then at her before beginning to move around and place their hands on machines and mechanisms of all sorts.
"Now, now, dear. I will put you out of your misery soon enough." Braun cooed from the other side.
"Let me go!" One of the men screamed from next to her.
"You too, it will all be fine." He said, a glint of malice in his eyes.
The sliding glass doors then opened to a room where three young men were waiting, their eyes locked open with horror as Sean and Braun entered the room.
"Ah, my subjects." Braun said, as he looked up at them. "Good to see you."
"Cut to the chase." One of them barked. He had long black hair which was unkempt down at his shoulders, piercing green eyes and a tall, svelte figure. Dr. Sean turned her eyes to two other boys that were in the room as well. The one in the middle was tanned quite well, had dark brown eyes, and maroon hair with an orange fade. And the last one, the one on the right, was pretty pale, looking like the blood had been drained from him. He had dark purple bags under his eyes, looking like he was completely sleep deprived, and he had light green eyes with long, black hair that's frizzy. Sean studied and analyzed the boys carefully, taking in all their features and picturing the kaiju that would come out of their experiments.
It was all going to come together.
"You three are coming with me." Sean instructed before unlocking the chains that were holding them down, and simply handcuffing them instead. One of them struggled, but Braun lightly punched him in the stomach to knock some sense into him.
"Enough," He said. "Let's get going."
The boy still struggled.
The five of them were brought back into the room where the three older people were weeping with agony, begging to be set free. Braun couldn't help but feel guilty as he looked at the horrified expression on their faces. But, then he realized who he was doing this all for and eventually shoved those pitiful thoughts down his throat. Sean placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it to get him awake.
"Are you alright, sir?" She asked with worry in her eyes.
"Yes, I am fine," Braun reassured her. "Let's get moving!" He said, and clapped his hands.
Sean pulled a lever which pulled up the glass in front of them, suddenly now removing the separation from the two groups of people. The three people tied up in chains screamed desperately for someone to help them, but Braun simply silenced them by smacking them hard enough to knock some sense into them.
Although, one of them was dead quiet. It was a tall, fair young man. He looked like he was dead, considering his eyes had been completely glassed over and he had no expression at all. It seemed as though he had already accepted his fate.
"You... damn... monsters!" The woman screamed, choking over her words after she had just been strangled. "I'm gonna kill you!" She added.
"Now, now. Let's not get violent in front of your friends." Braun said, a smirk plastered on his face. The boys turned over to look at him, a horrified expression on their faces. Yet, the tallest one with black hair looked to be less-shocked as the others, presumably aware of the events that were going to occur. He tapped one of the younger ones on the shoulder.
"Hey," He said, softly. "Stop. It's no use."
The younger man could only look up at him, his hands still cuffed in front of him. His tan skin, green eyes, and dark hair were barely visible in the mood lighting in the room, but he could still tell that there was fear in his eyes.
"So..." He paused, choking back tears, "These people are doomed, then?"
There was a long pause before a horrible chemical smell came into the room, and then Braun called in some of his assistants to position the three boys in front of their hosts. The shortest one was positioned in front of the blonde woman, she had the same horrified expression on her face as the young man did too. The tallest one was positioned in front of an average-sized man with dark skin and chestnut-colored hair, the same look of dread in his eyes as the woman. The last one, the average-sized male with dark hair and green eyes, was positioned in front of the tallest one on the other side. He had brown skin and a side-shave, although his eyes showed no emotion, the way his body was shaking proved otherwise.
"Let's get a move on, shall we?" Braun said, and clapped his hands once more. The lights shut off in the room and the only thing they could hear was footsteps from three people coming behind them, and then the cry for help as they were slowly injected with a mysterious glowing liquid. It was a bright cyan color and it illuminated everything around them. It gave off such a lustrous glow they had to close their eyes to not be blinded.
The room suddenly went quiet, and then the three people ran out and desperately shut the door behind them. Braun and Sean retreated to a room in the back, and then watched as three flashes of surrounded lighting came down on the three boys. They were turned into mutilated, naked creatures, their teeth sharp and malicious, no signs of life in their eyes, and those eyes were immediately locked on the three test-subjects in front of them. The creature that was the shorter boy chomped down on the blonde-haired woman, a muffled scream coming from the cloth that was around her mouth. Blood splattered everywhere, causing a disturbance between the other two giants. One of them was about to bite down on the tall man, but the other one in the middle pushed it out of the way, causing it to crash into a pillar and groan in response. The man screamed as it got devoured by the person that once was the taller boy with piercing green eyes. The shorter giant collapsed and steam flew everywhere, then, as the second boy took his meal, he soon collapsed. The giant on the ground finally got up and went straight for the remaining person who was left, his screams silenced by his ultimate demise.
Steam encompassed the room. Braun had a villainous smile on his face, not even caring things worked out the way he wanted it to. It seemed like he was just happy to create a new bond of creatures.
"Uh, sir? Shall we proceed?"
"Yes, let's."
They came out of the room, their faces hit with a wave of hot steam and smoke. Sean closed her eyes and winced at the heat of it, but she pressed onward as it cleared. The three young men appeared from the chests of the creatures, their faces glowing elegantly in the half-light. Braun had a horrifying grin on his face, and began laughing, which woke one of the boys up.
"Yes... YES!" Braun cried, "IT WORKED!"
"Look, you can see the scars." Sean pointed out, and motioned with her head at the marks on their skin. The taller boy had a slit through his eyebrow and it went all the way down his eye, making it nearly impossible to see out of. The average-heighted one with dark hair had three claw marks on his left eye, and he frantically panicked as he realized he couldn't see anything from it. He looked around the room, and his hands eventually landed on the sticky flesh that was the body he had just emerged from. The last one, the shorter boy, had three claw marks right above his left eye, underneath where his hair parted. He felt it with his hands, and nearly started crying once he realized he didn't feel like the same person anymore.
"Now then, let's get a move on." Braun said, and smiled, as the boys only prepared themselves for what was next.
They were led out of the room and into a padded cell, where they were given some basic white clothes that seemed to be a little more comfortable than the bandages that were pathetically wrapped around their bodies. They were ordered to change, and went into separate rooms before stripping and re-clothing themselves with something different. The boys felt a little more comfortable, now that they weren't freezing in the low AC that was the laboratory.
"On to our next project," Braun said, before some more of his men surrounded him, Sean, and the three boys. "We're going to have some fun." He concluded.

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