Chapter 7

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So much for having happiness. Pezzy was right. That happiness didn't last forever. As soon as they got back to Texas, Pezzy felt that euphoric feeling from being in Canada just fade away, and left him with this darkness surrounding his heart. Now he's back to having the difficulty of getting out of bed in the morning, as well as even trying to have a good upload schedule as well as streaming. Why does life have to be so unfair and cruel? It's like he can never win in life, because it seems whenever he's truly at the most happiest moment of his life, it seems to be taken away from him, like a snap of a finger. Life is just so fucked up.

And also ever since that moment with Pezzy and Droid that happened in the bowling alley, with them holding hands -- yeah uh, they haven't spoken a single word to each other since then. They've been back in Texas for like a week now. They haven't spoken to each other in a week. If anyone heard about how they haven't spoken a single syllable to each other in a week, they would be going over to their house, and whacking them over the head.

Grizzy is starting to get suspicious of them. He was confused on how both of them just look so down in the dumps because it's so difficult to get Droid looking and feeling sad, since Droid is always the happy go lucky bubbly guy, who brings up everyone's mood. Also with Pezzy, he was confused on how so quickly his mood shifted, he was so happy in Canada and it just shifted as soon they got back home. Just a couple weeks ago, Pezzy and Droid were non stop talking with each other, and now all of a sudden they haven't spoken a single word to each other. How does that even happen? What the hell even happened to them while we were in Canada? Grizzy asked himself.


Pezzy was just laying in his bed, not really wanting to move. Why should he? He had nothing to do. No videos to upload. No streams to do. All he really had to do was wait for his editor to send him what he finished so he could make some adjustments to it as well. So, he's just gonna spend the rest of the day in bed. Call him depressed all you want, he's not moving. He doesn't believe he got up to even eat or drink anything, let alone go to the bathroom.

He is really going to let himself rot away.

Grizzy walked into Pezzy's room without knocking, because he couldn't give a damn, he hasn't seen Pezzy walk out of his room all day and it's nearly 3pm. He's seen Droid here and there, but he was really worried about Pezzy, as he hasn't seen him at all. "Pezzy." Grizzy called to the lump underneath the blankets. That lump wasn't moving. "Pezzy!" Grizzy called again but still Pezzy wasn't moving from under the blanket.

"Go away." That was all Grizzy heard from the muffled tone from the lump underneath the blankets.

Groaning, Grizzy decided to just do this the hard way, and pull the blanket off Pezzy, and just grabbed both of his ankles, and just dragged him to the foot of the bed. "Dude, what the fuck?!" Pezzy yelled, as he kicked at Grizzy a little bit.

Grizzy dropped Pezzy's ankles, and smiled softly. "Now that I've got your attention," Grizzy began and then sighed. "Please, tell me you haven't stayed in bed all day."

Pezzy shrugged. "Does it really matter?"

Grizzy looked at him like he was just shot. There is NO way Pezzy just said that. "Are you bullshitting me right now?" Grizzy asked and Pezzy just shrugged again. What is up with him today? There's something obviously wrong with him, and he doesn't know what to do.

"I don't know." Pezzy said, and he pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on his arms.

"Both you and Droid are acting-"

"Can you please not mention Droid right now?" Pezzy asked, as he felt himself starting to get sad by just the even slight mention of Droid.

Okay now Grizzy was concerned -- well more concerned than he was before. Something must've happened between those two, so now it's just up to him to get it out of Pezzy. "What happened with you and Droid?" Grizzy asked and Pezzy just started to mess with the bracelet wrapped around his wrist.

He was obviously trying to avoid the situation. But the more he tried not to think about it, the more it brought tears to his eyes. God, he shouldn't even be crying right now. He's being over dramatic and shouldn't even be crying, when there is literally nothing to cry about. Fuck, the more he tried to hold in the emotions, the more they are just clawing at his soul, trying to be let lose.

"N-nothing. N-nothing happened between m-me and Droid." Pezzy stuttered out, as he felt a tear start to trickle down his face. And after that tear made it's way down his face, there were more tears starting to make their way down his face. And just like that, the dam was broken. Just. Like. That.

"Are you crying?" Grizzy asked in a worried tone of voice. He's never seen Pezzy cry before. Hell, he's never even heard of the fact of Pezzy crying, because he's so good at keeping his emotions close to him, and never likes to show them. So him breaking down like this was truly shocking.

Pezzy is the type of person to apologize for crying, because he doesn't want to seem like a burden and seem weak. He always wants to keep people happy, and he can't do that when he's crying. He just doesn't seem like he needs help, he always wants to fix the problem, and not let anyone help, especially when he needs it, and this is one of those times where he needs help.

"I'm sorry." Pezzy muttered, as he wiped away his tears, and tried to hold it together.

"Pezzy, what is going on?" Grizzy asked him, and Pezzy just sniffled and shook his head. Grizzy sighed, nodded, and left the room, as he was obviously not going to get an answer out of Pezzy. This was the best bet. Leaving Pezzy alone.

Pezzy really didn't want to talk about it. And after just crying his eyes out, there was a DEFINITE no about him telling Grizzy what really happened between Pezzy and Droid, because guess what... Pezzy doesn't even know what happened between them. If Pezzy had even a clear answer on what happened he would tell Grizzy, but he doesn't.

He really doesn't know why Droid just decided to not talk to him after that moment in the bowling alley. Did... he possibly do something? See, Pezzy, you knew this would happen! Happiness doesn't last for people like you. Pezzy's cruel head told him, and he just started to cry again, as he placed his head in his knees.

And here he was. Crying alone. No Grizzy. No Droid. No one to comfort him. He was alone. Just like he always is.


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