Robin Arellano: Saved?

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Author's note

I may have word vomited a little on this one. But it was so worth it, because this is like the longest chapter yet

And yes. There will be a lot of Billy and Griffin arguments because they're basically the comedic relief at this point.

TW: Bullying & swearing



"He explained it like three times, how come you still don't get it?"

"Shut up Griffin, not all of us are smart asses."

Robin starts laughing. "Don't worry Billy, I don't entirely understand it either."

Griffin just makes this face of disbelief. "Oh my God I'm surrounded by idiots." He hugs my arm. "Finney, it's just you and me now."

"Hey get off him, we need his help, unlike someone." Billy starts pulling on Griffin's shirt to get him away from me.

"I do need his help, just not on everything, unlike someone." He emphasizes the 'someone'.

"Ok you know what?" He let's go of Griffin's shirt. "I'm just going to flip my hair, be the adult and let your insults slide."

"See? This is why you're stupid, you can't flip your hair. Robin can, maybe Finney, but your hair is too short to flip."

"Your brain is too good for your head! Don't insult my hair." Griffin rolls his eyes, while Robin has been trying to hide his laugh the whole time.

"Guys, come on, I can explain it again. I'll explain it as many times as you need. Just please pass the next test."

"Haha, don't worry Finn, we will." Robin puts his arm around my shoulder.

"...Try to..." Billy adds.

Griffin huffs. "As I said, surrounded by idiots."

"Shut the f**k up Griffin." Robin and Billy said in unison.

And now it was my turn to laugh.


November 14th

Two days after saving Bruce, and one week before Robin is taken. I still remember vividly how that day went. Running away to hide in the bathroom. Robin coming in to bandage his hands after the fight with Moose. The promise to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I don't think the same events will play out though. A few days ago Max and the others started calling me a few names early in the morning, nothing out of the ordinary, but this time Billy was with me, and saying he looked mad would be an understatement. He looked furious.

That day I learned that even though Billy isn't the best at punching, he's an absolute monster when it comes to kicking, from riding a bike every single morning of course.

Bascially saying, they never tried doing anything again, a side eye every now and then, but that was it. Meaning they won't run after me that day. Although, I still think Robin will fight Moose, which means he'll still go to the bathroom to bandage his hands. All I have to do is be there, but this time, instead of making Robin walk back home alone, I'll go with him, since that's when I think he gets taken.

I take out my lunch box and notice Robin and Billy walking with Griffin in front of them. They sit down on their usual spots.

I smile a little. I could tell from their expressions that the test went well.

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