Vance Hopper: Saved

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Author's note

This chapter isn't that long, so I apologize. I had to write it quickly since next week will be filled with exams.

TW: Attempted kidnapping, and Swearing (Bc Vance ofc)



"I failed that test with flying colours."

"Well I think I did ok."

"Oh, ok smartass. Let's see how ok you're going to do with my fist on your face." He raised his fist up in a threatening manner.

"Billy, relax. I'm sure you didn't do that bad." Griffin immediately hid behind me.

"Yeah Billy, let Finney's kindness calm you down. Just don't punch me."

Billy just sighed and put his fist down.

We're talking about the science test we just had by the way, it was about germs and how they work. It was pretty difficult, the questions had us write very specific answers. So I don't blame Billy for being so negative about the whole thing. I myself don't think I did well in it.

This, again, is two weeks and 5 days after Griffin's supposed abduction.

October 13th.

I have saved both Billy and Griffin. Saving them was pretty easy. But now comes the hard part.
The next victim is Vance Hopper. Pinball Vance. The 15yo known for

One: Being extremely good at Pinball
Two: Having serious anger issues
And Three: Getting dragged by the police for stabbing people.

Vance Hopper gets taken on October 18th. And I don't have much time.
People like me and people like him live in completely different worlds. Meaning I can't befriend him like I did Billy and Griffin, since he'll probably throw something at me.
But I still found a way to save him. Because from what I remember, Vance had stabbed yet another kid for bumping into the pinball machine when he was close to beating his high score. And I know this because I was there when it happened.
The police were driving him to the police station, but then, not even halfway, he opened the door of the still moving car, and jumped out. The police tried to catch him but he was already out of sight. And that was the last they'd ever seen of Vance Hopper.

So from that information, I came to a conclusion that the Grabber took Vance by surprise when he ran from the police. And since Vance ran away and was supposed to be hiding no one was around to see it.

Meaning, all I have to do is follow that police car, then follow Vance after he runs away, and stay with him, since the Grabber won't be able to get Vance by surprise if I'm there to warn him.

A lot of following people around, I know. But this plan is a beautifully crafted plan that took one whole week filled with sleepless nights, crumbled papers with bound to fail plans and lots of books about how to knock a grown man out. The last one is just in case by the way.

So all I have to do is make sure I'm there on the day the police take him, and I need to have my bike ready. My legs will probably fall out from how much I'll be pedalling, since I'm following a car and all, so I need to drive a little around the neighbourhood later to get myself ready.


"Hey, Robin. What'd you get for lunch?" Billy leaned across the table to sneak a peek.

Robin opened his lunch box. "Fried spicy noodles. My mom made it yesterday, so I just took the leftovers."

Robin had never sat with us at lunch before because Marina put him in this extra class thing where you come during lunch to learn the subjects you're doing bad at. Which is why he never sat with us. But ever since I've been tutoring him, he's been getting better grades, and Marina decided to cancel those extra classes, so he can now sit with us.

To Save A Life, No, To Save LivesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ