Werewolf Knowledge

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I know there are different rules and ways of the werewolves in other books, but this is how it's going to be with this one.

Age Rules:

* At the age of 10, they are able to communicate with their wolves, but can't use their wolf abilities just yet. Can mind link with their wolves and family members.

* At the age of 16 is when they first shift and get all their wolf abilities. This is when those with a rank begin to train to take over their position in the pack. Can now mind link with their pack.

* At the age of 18 is when they are able to find their mates. 

* At the age of 21 is when they can officially take on their position in the pack and those before them can retire.

Wolf Descriptions:

* Alpha wolves have black fur with red eyes.

* Beta wolves come in any shade of fur but have blue eyes.

* Every other wolf in the pack come in any shade and have golden yellow eyes.

* Rogue wolves come in any shade but their fur is dull almost greying in color and their eyes are all black no white at all.


* Alpha: Leader of the pack.

* Luna: The Alpha's mate. Mother to the pack members. Leads alongside her mate.

* Beta: Alpha's right hand man. Sees after the pack when the Alpha can't.

* Delta: Third in command. Oversees the warriors and their training. Head of security.

*Head Warrior: Best fighter. Chosen due to skill not bloodline. Helps Delta train the other warriors.

* Omega: Weakest and smallest member of a pack. Help the Luna around the pack house. Still to be treated fairly.


* When you turn 18 you are able to recognize your mate. You will begin to smell a scent so strong and alluring to you that smells of your favorite thing. You will feel the pull as soon as they lock eyes. When in physical contact, they will feel the sparks.

* Once the human side has recognized their mate, they go on a run together in their wolf forms so the wolf side can interact and connect through the bond.

* Once both human and wolf side have recognized the bond, they are ready to mark each other if both parties are ready. Both mates must mark each other for the mark to stay for good and to strengthen the bond. After two weeks, if only one party is marked, the mark will fade and the bond will weaken.

* Once they have marked one another, the female will go into heat for a week until the full mating process is complete. They will still go through heat every 6 months that will last for 2 days. Females can only get pregnant while mating during their heat and the pregnancy last 4 months.

Mind Link:

* They can only mind link those in their pack or their mates once they have marked each other. With the exception of Alpha's their wolves are able to link other wolves that aren't in their pack as long as they are on their territory.

* The wolf side can also link to other wolves in the pack or even the human side of other members.

* With mates, they can see through the eyes of their mate using the link, but again that's only possible if they both have marked each other.

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