There's something weird with him. He can be grumpy and apathetic one second, staying away... to try to be polite in the next and ask me questions like what I like to do in my spare time or if I have any pets.

Soon he will ask about my dating life, I'm sure of it! And then I can tell him how it's dead. A good thing when my life now turned upside down.

Reed is a proud rich dickhead who thinks he has the right to know everything, but also own everything and everyone.

If I try to say no to him when we don't agree on something, it's like if his inner twat just has to state how he's in lead! He doesn't take no for an answer.

And his incredibly outrageous taste when it comes to books?! Gosh! It's so bad! He has no classics in his sea of ​​books. Not Harry Potter, no fun book!

The most pathetic, or maybe cute if I'm being honest, is how he texts me each night to see if I've come home properly. And if I don't answer within a few minutes he calls me.

Mike claims he's possessive, how he sees the value in cheap labour. He profits from it. But I don't know.

Reed had gotten me a computer to work with, and a brand new one! Enthusiastically, I was given free rein to organize his huge book collection in a digital register.

As soon as I cleaned away all the chaos and restored the library to its former self when the new shelves arrived, I was able to begin the heavy task.

Those old register books he had brought me helped a lot, and I sent my former librarian predecessors a sympathetic thought for how they had to toil for hand back then.

Reed was amazed at how diligent I was with the cleaning part of the first section on the first floor. The dust in the rest of the room couldn't be helped but I had to take it as I went on sorting shelf from shelf.

But before I started registering the books, I had checked all the shelves to see if there was any form of organization. And to my delight, each aisle was categorized.

Fantasy books in one section, scientific facts in one. But they were also sorted by century, which surprised me.

With the help of the manual register my work would be facilitated and I saw the allure of the challenge. I live for books, and even though Reed has a lousy taste, there are books that pique my interest and during my breaks I usually grab one.


I looked up from the desk I was sitting at with a pile of books next to me. I had dragged one of the desks that stood in a corner so that it was in the middle of the floor where the sunlight from the windows fell over me.

I had pulled a splice cord there for the computer and had built up a wall of books around me on the floor as well. It was books from the Victorian era, from one of the shelf sections that were demolished before I came here.

"Oh, hey Mr. Sparkles!"

A few days after I came here to the estate, a cat began to appear among the bookshelves. At first I thought I was imagining sounds from above and had taken a ladder that was leaning against a shelf to kill the rat I thought it was with a book.

But then the cat jumped forward, and to my delight I realized that from that day on I had some form of company during my days.

When Reed came into the library for his daily observation, that twat, I had happily pointed out the cat that was lying and squinting at us from a shelf. He had barely given it a smile and said how he lived there, but nothing about his name.

Since the sun fell over the shelf the day the cat chose to introduce himself to me and it looked like he was glistening from all the dust in his fur, I chose to call him Mr. Sparkles.

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