Chapter 2: The Cave of Beginnings

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The morning sun had just risen from a cold dark night as Temple bells rang across the land of a small desert that resides by an ocean. Starlight awake to the ocean gently kissing their right hand as if to tell them that they had to wake up.

Starlight groaned as they tried to lift up their own body weight, and stumbled onto their feet like a newborn fawn.

They looked at their hands that were shaded warm brown and grabbed at the clothes on their body. "What... is this?" Starlight wonder at the gem attached to their chests. Then suddenly they realized that something was on their face and grabbed it.

"A.... Mask???"  Starlight questioned themselves out loud but no words came out. "..... I can't..... speak..?!" They thought in shock.

Suddenly a voice made its way to them. "Sky...."

"What was that?" Starlight wondered as they stood absolutely still for a second. Then again, almost as if it was calling out to them, the voice appeared again.


"Is it.... Calling for me?" Starlight thought as they aimlessly walked towards a mound with rocks for stairs. Then they mindlessly lean against one of the broken pillars. At the top, loomed a large cave. The sun barely peaked over it.

"Hello?!" Starlight tried speaking again but this time a bird-like chirp replaced their voice. They grabbed at their throat in surprise but the strange voice appeared again.

"Hear me....."

"I can't speak.... If I want help, it'll be better to follow that voice." Starlight thought nervously. Then began to walk carefully towards the cave. White birds flew up past them, forcing them to cover their face.

"Hear me child of the sky..." sang the voice.

"Ah! I hear you!" Starlight thought in a panic then rushed inside the cave. Then the cave walls begin to glow, revealing secret cave drawings to them as they moved forward.

It shows a winged person, a large group of people on their knees, and some inside a boat flying away. There were falling stars all over. Suddenly starlight stopped at a drawing and placed their hands over it. It shows two people bowing over a circular object.

"Ah... why is this familiar?" Starlight thought

"Sky.... Here I roam!" Sang the voice.

Starlight attention immediately snapped towards the voice and they saw the light at the other end of the cave. "Oh right!" They exclaimed internally as they jumped down into a puddle of water.

When they came out of the cave. A beautiful, bright light figure stood there at the edge of a cliff, staring at the sky. Her singing put starlight into a trance as they walked towards her. As if she knew starlight was coming, she turned towards them and raised her hands up. Starlight couldn't resist her, and they ended up wrapping their arms around each other. It felt like a warm hug of someone starlight once knew.

"Hear me, child of the sky! Here I roam! Hear me, child of the light, take me home!" She sang once more.

Her light engulfed starlight, lifting them into the air as she slowly vanished away. It felt like something special was given to starlight but before they knew what it was, their vision blurred. In the sky starlight saw a bright star with two approaching figures.

"Ah... so that's.... Home..." starlight thought just as their world went dark.

Starlight's head swarmed with a faint memory of their pass; however, it felt like they were someone else's, almost as if they were watching something. Starlight was back inside the cave, in it were two brown skinned children, both wore a mask and had white hair. Except one had short bob hair and the other had pigtails. A tall stone-like man approached, he seemed quite old with a diamond tip shaped cane and his robe seemed to reflect the stars.

Sky The Child of Light Where stories live. Discover now