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They tied her legs with iron chain,

so that, she couldn't run away.

They unarmed her ,

just to make sure that she couldn't lift a finger against them.

They restrained her mouth, stole her words,

so that, she couldn't speak up.

They tried to suffocate her dreams by burying them
in the amidst of their low mentalities ,

but they didn't realise she was a fallen angel-

who was graced with a pair of firey wings.

When they were trying to keep her chained up on the ground,

she flied with her wings of fire.

She flied higher than they could reach.

They wanted to cast her away from touching the sky,

but, she travelled through the open welkin like a phoenix-

who had just reborn from her scattered ashes.

Blazing flame of her firey wings started a wildfire,

which burnt down whatever tried to come on her way of reaching the top.

And, at the end she was standing there in front of the whole world with pride in her eyes ,

and a reflection of audacity in her preety smile.

After overcoming all the obstacles, today she has won.

The shining aura of her angelic charm was making her glow ,

like the brightest starlet in the black night sky.

Under the dazzling sunshine,

stardust was sparkling all over her body.

The curve, formed by her pink lips-

filled with confidence,

was the sign of her ultimate success.

And, her flamy wings were satisfyingly resting upon her back ,

after seeing her achieving everything, she has ever dreamt of.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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