Four || Rhinoceros

Start from the beginning

"Bonito flakes." He lightly shook his head, chuckling.

"Um- who exactly is he and why is he here, I didn't really get a proper explanation..." Yuta perked up nervously.

Leaning back on the seat, I began, "Megumi is still in middle school but he's going to be training to be a sorcerer next year. I'm not really sure why or where he came from but I do know Gojo sometimes kidnaps him and brings him along to our missions for fun." 

It was always a blast when Megumi came for a visit, though it wasn't often. That morning Gojo had brought him to our group mission because he insisted Megumi witnessed our teamwork. He'd be starting at Jujutsu Tech the upcoming summer, the same time that we would become second years. It was still only November but I looked forward to the transition. I hoped Megumi would end up liking his classmates as much as I did mine.

When we arrived back at the school, our group decided to have a movie night. It was pretty late and we were tired from spending the whole day exorcising curses so we thought it would be nice. 

"Whose dorm should we meet in?" Panda asked as we walked into the school together.

"Yuta's." Maki blurted calmly.

Yuta, however, was flabbergasted at the suggestion. "Wh- but why mine!?"

"Alright, see you guys at Yuta's in an hour." I said, ignoring him.

"Kelp." Toge nodded.

Just like that, the serenity of the atmosphere vanished as Gojo popped up next to us. "Oh ho~ what's this? Are we having a hangout?" He was talking in the silly voice I couldn't stand. But then again, there wasn't much about the man that I could tolerate.

Maki swung her polearm to keep him at a distance from us. "You're not invited." She said rather coldly. You could practically hear his heart break in two and for a moment I thought I saw a small entertained smile on Megumi's face too.

As the blindfolded man-child was about to go away to sulk, I called out to him, "Ah sensei," His head perked up immediately with raised eyebrows, almost as if expecting me to give in and invite him. "Can we have your credit card? We were thinking about ordering takeout too." His shoulders slumped even lower than last time as he reached into his pocket to fish out his wallet like the pushover he was.

"Look at you kids, taking advantage of your old man like this." He sighed dramatically as he held out the black card that we gaslit him into giving us so many times before.

Toge swiped it from his hand without sympathy while Panda emotionally killed him with a final line, "You're not our dad." 

Thus we left, leaving Gojo broke and sad in the empty hallway.

We met up in Yuta's room later that evening, Megumi eventually deciding he would join us, with takeout and a pillow fort. Panda lay directly in the middle of the fort with Yuta and Maki squished to his left as Megumi, Toge and I sat at his right. 

The movie was interesting but clearly not enough to keep Maki and Panda awake as the two had passed out almost as soon as it started with the latter snoring loudly. Toge had taken it upon himself to eat their meals while they slept as I explained to Megumi about what life was like living in the school building.

"The other day I found these colourful capsules in my old belongings," I explained. "You basically put them into water and they turn into these foam animals, it was pretty cool."

The younger boy raised a curious brow. "So what did you do with them?"

"I went into the bathroom cabinet and I switched them with one of the pill boxes." 

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