peace of shit

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You: Mike!! El is your girlfriend !!
Mike: so what
You: respect bitch !!
Mike: watch your mouth
You: bitch
Mike slap you
You: you know Who you are you peace of shit !?!your girlfriend always sucking on my dick , next time im going on her clit!!
You look at el and tell her
You: tell my how my dick teste tell my how my motherfucking dick taste!!!
El: y/n stop!!
You: fine !!
You punch wall and it broke little bit
You: fuck you!!
Billy: whats wrong
You; nothing
Billy: baby
You: nothing fine!?!?
Billy: you sure
You: oh my god shut up
Billy: hey ! Dont talk to my like that
You: wanna fight??!
Billy: im not fighitng with girl
You : yeah?
Billy: y/n stop!!!
He leave
You: no Billy im sorry!!!
He ignored you
You: billy
Mike: El we are done
El: what !?!
Mike: we are done
Mike leave
You; Mike no wait!!!
Mike: shut up y/n , you destroy everything !!! Thats why nobody like you!!
El: y/n!! You destroy everything !!
You: El please stop!!
El: no !!you ruined all life just because of your fake depressed
You start shake
El: y/n?
You fall on your knees
You: I told you once I cant do this again
You punch the wall multiple time
You screaming into your hands
El: shit !!
She run to you
You: can you love me again im so sorryy
You cry so hard you even cant talk
El: billy!!! Come on
Billy run down to stairs
Billy: what happend
You: billy dont leave me please
You was lying on the floor and crying
Billy: baby im here with you its okay
Mike run to you
Mike: what happend??
El: I fuck up  , I tell her she ruined our lifes and have fake depresion and she destroy everything
You: El you make my wanns die
You said sobing
Billy- get-out
El: billy ...
Billy: get-out, now!!
She leave crying
Yoi: billy im so sorry
You said sobing
Billy hug you
Billy: its okay babyy
You know I will always love you
You: I will always love you too..

Happy ending!!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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