Chapter Fifteen - The Front Line

Start from the beginning

"Tryin' to be prepared." I told him

"Don't lie to me, I'm your brother."

"Really, because I can't tell, you change back and forth so fast I get whiplash. " I counter back

"I'm trying to protect what I have left."

"Well careful not to fall of the edge you might not come back from."

"We've been hunting together all our lives. I know when you're going off on your own. Are you going to leave Kat and I behind too?" he wondered and i stopped what I was doing and looked to him properly.

"As your fellow soldier, I suggest you stay with your unit. But I couldn't stop you if you wanted to're annoying like that."

"Hawthorne, Mellark. Come meet your new unit." I stood up and left the tent.

"I'm Lieutenant Jackson, and I want to introduce you to your squad. This is second Lieutenant Mitchell best sharpshooter in Panem. These are the Leeg sisters. First Combat Division, this is Corporal Holmes and you've already know Corporal Everdeen" I smiled at Holmes who I had already met. But in the background I saw a familiar face.

"Finn? Are you with us?" I asked walking over to him

"Looks like it."

"That was a short Honeymoon." We hugged

"Yeah, well, I guess were gonna have to have one in the Capitol. After we take it." I smiled keeping my arm around his waist and he with me.

"Gather round." We looked to Boggs. Wait why the hell was Cressida, Masalla, Castor and Pollux here?

"Squad 451, you're my unit. Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command. Each one of you is elite in some form of combat. But we are a non combat unit." What?! Oh this had Coin written all over it. "So we'll be following days behind the front line troops."

"You're to be the on screen faces of the invasion. The star squad. It's been decided that you're most effective when you're seen by the masses." Cressida continued

"So we're not going to fight?" Kat questioned

"You'll do whatever you're ordered to do Soldier. It's not your job to ask questions." I looked at my best friend and we shared a look of annoyance.

"Yes, Sir." She reluctantly replied

"Our instructions are to shoot propaganda footage on the battle scarred streets of The Capitol. You are handpicked to intimidate forces..." Boggs told us

"and inspire surrenders" Cressida added

"Even though we'll be working on abandoned streets miles behind the front lines. I guarantee you, wherever they put us, it will not be safe. This is a war zone. It is likely that we'll encounter both active pods and peacekeepers. You're considered high value targets to the Capitol. In the event of capture you will each be given a nighlock pill. A poison that acts immediately. Lieutenant Jackson. If you will." She came round each handing us a pill.

"I've already briefed you on the pods. I remind you they're on every block. Our unit has been given a hollow. A database that contains a detailed map of The Capitol and a list of every known pod. These pods can trigger anything from Bombs to traps, to mutts. We cannot move without this device. There is no guarantee that our database is complete there may be new pods we're not aware of. Because we don't want the Gamemakers to know we have this information it has a self destruct. You flip the switch and say nighlock 3 times, and it blows itself up and anything within a 10 foot radius.

Stay within our unit. Even with the hollow it is likely new pods have been set. Whatever they contain they are meant to kill you." He finished

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the 76th hunger games." Finn muttered into my ear. I look up at him then back at everyone else. Not long after that speech, we left the base and walked for blocks upon blocks.

"I've never seen it so empty." Cressida muttered as I walked with Kat

"Keep your eyes open." Boggs stated holding the beeping holo in his hand. Five minutes later the holo warned us of a pod. We were stopped.

"We got a pod. Let's take cover." We jogged to behind a statue.

"Shoot through those two buildings." Boggs told me pointing to where it was. I nodded and knelt on the steps.

"Pollux, right here." Cressida told her team "Castor" She framed the 'shot' I watch him move in front of me.

"When you're ready Lily." I took one of my black arrows out and drew it back aiming.

"Hold it. Pollux tighter." I gritted my teeth un-drawing. "Okay." This was silly them being her was silly. I pulled back the arrow and took a deep breath before letting go. It flew through the two building setting the pod of fire off. A car exploded and I ducked slightly seeing it roll into view. The fire stopped and smoke was left.

"All clear."

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