He turned around and heaved out a laughter my statement, before shaking his head. Without much of a warning he sat next to me handing me my glass while he took a sip of his.

"Wait-are you an ex alcoholic? Am I leading you down the road of destruction?"He pretended to do some soul searching. I laughed bringing the rims of the glass up to my lips. My tastebuds were met with a creamy delicious concoction which left a bitter sweet after taste.

He slapped high fives with me. "Every person I've had try this said it's too weak for them."

I just blinked in response which had him laughing that contagious laugh of his. "Um, how can anyone hate this," I pointed at the glass for emphasis.

He leant forward pouring more into his glass. I pushed my own forward but he slapped my hand away playfully. "Easy there tiger. I don't want you shit faced high."

I narrowed my eyes at his back only because that was the only thing I could have seen as he turned away from me. "Thought you said it was weak?"

He leant back into the chair, angling his body closer to mine. "I. Lied." He winked at me.

I reached out and slapped his arm. "Shit, now you've got me craving this. You play too damn much," I took my last sip, a plan brewing in my mind as I rested my glass on the floor. I nestled in closer to Toby catching him off guard as I kept my gaze on level with his. I reached forward, slowly wrapping my hands around the hand which held his glass, never breaking eye contact. I brought my lips to the rims of his cup and tipped the glass over again never allowing my eyes to leave his. I watched his lips part just the slightest bit as he involuntarily gulped while his eyes swirled with an unknown emotion.

I pulled away licking my lips to get rid of the milky residue, nestling his glass in my hand. Toby never stopped staring and quite frankly, said nothing. Now that my little act was over, the full effects of his stare was taking toll. He clenched his jaw while bringing his hand to touch the side of my face where a tendril of hair poked out from my high ponytail.

Then his fingers brushed past the side of my neck to gently rub my cheek. By then, my mouth had gone dry as he basically whispered the next four words.

"Put the glass down,"

Without much hesitancy in my actions, I complied, resting the glass with the other on the floor. I slowly looked up to see a mixture of confusion and uncertainty clouding his features. We were still at a close proximity which had just about my entire face searing hot.

Hesitantly, he started slowly leaning in and my brain became mush. He began angling his head to the right as he neared closer. I watched his eyes flutter shut and his lips were literally centimeters apart. I allowed my eyes to glaze shut and seconds later, his soft lips gently brushed against mine. It started off like that; with either of us inching forward to brush our lips together but after a few moments, his hand cradled the side of my face as he pressed his body against mine to deepen the kiss. A surge of want and need enveloped me as I wrapped my hands around his neck. I shifted my body a bit to accommodate him setting me down in a lying position in which he fully accepted. It became rushed, semi aggressive and deep in an instant as he pulled away for a bit to kiss my neck in a searing hot trail, moaning with every kiss.

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