When I pull out a pair of pants and a sweater, shaking it in his view, he turns around.

"We should leave."

"We can't. I imagine they are close. We don't have enough guards to safely escort you without being intercepted or followed. You're safer here, with me," he murmurs, rubbing his gloved hands together.

Dropping the towel, I work on tugging my pants up my still damp legs. My gaze drifts over Ark's person, not seeing any visible weapons. They are there though...

And in the event he turns on me, I need to be aware of that.

Thankfully, as far as I know, Ark isn't aware of the weapon I have in the bedside table drawer. He may be my mate, but that doesn't mean I trust him.


Ark turns back around once I'm fully dressed again. "Your father has ordered that you may have to move in with Caspian sooner than the wedding."

I physically flinch.


"He wanted me to convey to you that it is purely for your safety." He doesn't look convinced with what he is saying, anger simmering in his eyes.

My mouth dries as I try to process that information.

This place is beautiful. It's set on a hill that overlooks a stunning frozen lake, and it's wonderfully safe. Or at least, it is meant to be. But I'm not ready to move away. Not when I have so much in my life that I am yet to figure out.

"I'm not ready to live with him yet," I breathe, starting to pace.

Ark watches me solemnly. "You're about to marry him. You agreed to marry him and you don't want to be around him?"

"Don't patronise me," I growl back.

He wants me to admit that I don't want this life with Caspian, or even in general. That way he can tell me to leave with him, even if we both know I can't do that.

"I'm not. I'm just concerned," he says softly.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. He looks stiff, unsure of how much he should say to me. There is so much between us that should be said, and yet neither of us want to go there yet.

"Concerned, right...okay."

He frowns. "Kiva..."

"I thought we agreed, Ark. We may be mates, but we cannot be together. Not according to me, and not according to you," I remind him sharply, unable to reign back the bitterness.

He exhales slowly. He knows he can't disagree without telling me exactly who he is and what his intentions are.

"Time. That's all you need."

"I don't have time. People want me dead, remember?" I snap, dropping my head into my hands.

I hear Ark stoop down in front of me before he grabs my hands, squeezing them gently. Raising my head, our gazes collide, something hurting beneath my ribs.

"I know. Marry someone else then."

I almost laugh. I know he isn't insinuating himself. I'm not even sure marriage is an option for someone like him, considering his lifestyle.

He doesn't seem like the type to settle down.

"There's no one else. Unless of course, you can convince my father you come from a long reign of Kings and have a decent territory you rule over," I say regardless.

Ark raises a dark brow, pressing a hand to his chest as if he's offended. "Are you suggesting I'm not worthy of you because I have no land? No title?"

I push at his shoulder, smiling despite myself. "You know I don't share my fathers opinion."

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