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*Pov Janis*

We were watching „Corpse bride". Mostly because Martha and Damian wanted something animated, but i can't disagree this have the mood that we needed.

Suddenly i get a messege from Cady.

We need to talk about Regina,
right now

Tell me where are you

At Damian's room

I'm going be there in one minute

„Ooh Regina did something to Cady" i said

„Why? What happened?" Betty asked

„I don't know. Cady just texted me that we need to talk about Regina and she's going to be here in minute" i explained

„Invite her to our halloween party" Martha said

Wanna join to our little halloween party?


„she's gonna join" i informed

*Times skip*

Cady entered the room suddenly, crying.

„Omg Cady what happened?" I asked and huged her „Let me guess, Regina?"


„Now tell me what this stupid bitch did" i said

„She knew that i liked him, she told me that she's gonna talk to him for me, but she kissed him" she cried

Damian came to US and huged Cady „We told you that Regina is evil"

Now you know, Caddy, Regina George is not your friend. We're your friends. And we're gonna make her pay.
You know what friends do?
They got your back
And they are fun to be around

Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah

When someone hurts you
Then they attack
And grind your foe into the ground

Whuh-oh, whuh-oh, woah

Imagine a party
With dresses and cake
And singing and dancing and cake
And there's a magic act
That saws Regina in half
And this time it will take

Now that's a party!

A revenge party
A party that ends
With somebody's head on a spike

Whuh-oh, woah

It's a revenge party
With your two best friends
It's like a party with revenge is what it's like

For this to work you're gonna have to pretend like you still like them. Can you do it?

Cady pulled out her phone and called gretchen

Yes. Hey, girl!

Hey... Regina wanted me to tell you that she tried to talk to Aaron, but he just wanted her back and that's not Regina's fault.

I get it, I just hope I can still have lunch with you guys.

[GRETCHEN, spoken]
Aw, of course!

Back to the past (Mean girls x Heathers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora