Chapter 1

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Harry's pov

"What are the main causes of cardiac hypertrophy?" Kira asks with the papers in her hands.

"Hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, high-level sports training aaaand..."


"Wait-" Julian says as he keeps thinking "wait, wait-"

"Julian, he's dying-" Ally tells him chuckling.

"And so is my brain!" Julian argues as I chuckle at the scene.

"Don't you try, don't you try Harold!" He points at me as I smile lightly.

"I know the answer I just need-"

"Aortic stenosis" I interrupt him knowing it would piss him off.

"You bitch!"

We laugh at what has just happened.

Me and some of my classmates were in this study group getting ready for an important test.
We had to study but also be ready to meet a real patient and so be as quick as we could and apply theory to practice.

That's how we ended up for days together, studying from flash cards, watching surgery videos, doing check ups on each other even though it was pretty useless.

"It's your turn Harry...oh, that's not too difficult" Kira says reading the flash card.

"How do you call the incorrect closure of the right atrio-ventricular valve following an atrial systole?"

"Tricuspid insufficiency" I answer.

"Correct, and what do you hear during an oscultation?"

"The sound is not strong and clear, but more like blow, a murmur"

"Perfect -"

"See, we know the theory, but they should let us learn by experience also. I mean, they let us hear the sound from videos but what happens if I meet a patient with this? Did you ever hear this in real life?"

Everyone shook their head.

"Do you want to learn this?" Kira smiles cheekily and I get a bit confused, but still smiling softly at her excitement.

"What do you mean Kira?" Ask Ally.

"You'll see....Ryleeeeeeeeee" she yells.

"Who's Rylee?" Julian asks confused.

"My roommate"

"So basically there was another person in this house and we didn't notice?" I ask and she just nods.



A girl appears on the stairs with her arms crossed.
In the second she looks at us she lets out a small


That honestly made me smile.
She switched from the pissed attitude to a sweet puppy in a second.

"What do you want?" She asks, but not in a rude way, more like she was doing something and we interrupted her.

"Can we borrow your heart?" Kira asks letting her head fall behind and I was more confused.

But not as much as Rylee.

She laughed though.

"Sorry what? I think I heard wrong" she smiles.

"Can we borrow your heart? Please?" Kira asked more slowly this time but that didn't stop Rylee from tilting her head confused, but still smiling.

"It's the "please" for me. Now things change" she chuckles.

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