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Alessia POV
I knew if I said this there was no going back and it would change everything
I looked Ella straight in the eyes and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear
"I've fallen in love with you Ella and I know you wanted to take things slow but the truth is you make me nervous excited and happy all at the same time you're all I can ever think about other than football and I get lost in your eyes and I couldn't not tell you any longer. I could spend every minute of every day with you and it would still never be enough. I don't want you to feel like you have to say it back but I wanted you to know how special I think you are. I rambled nearly out of breath

"Less" Ella chuckled
"Slow down yeah just breathe for a minute and let me talk"
"Ok" she grabbed me hand and placed her other on my cheek
"I've fallen in love with you too alessia. After casius I never thought I'd be able to trust anyone again and allow myself to let those walls down but with you everything's easy and I find myself thinking about you nearly every minute of every day." She replies nervously
"You do?"
"Yeah I do"
We both slowly leant in and kissed but this was different this one was gentle and patient and well filled with love

"I'm really falling for this girl" i thought to myself

We went back to her house
"So where do you thinks better birmingham or Manchester" the younger girl questioned
"It depends"
"Whether you want busy or quiet but I gotta say I'm liking both"
"I can't wait to show you round Manchester baby"

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