Issei dedicated himself to train his divine ki little by little, he started with very little divine ki which was little easy to train with but it still take little troll on him in using it but he was disturbed by


A huge roar was heard and infront of him was another monster who is different from others he killed

Issei: can't I have a day without killing you idiots -he said with annoyance and he stood up from his meditation position and was about to face the monster but

???: Infernal waves! -shouted a voice and a dark energy passed near Issei and hit monster killing it on the spot

Issei turned around to see who was responsible for it and saw that a man was standing there who had a smile on his indicating he was happy about something

Issei: to what I did of having a pleasure in meeting God of Death Hades himself -he said with respect and little mockery

Issei: to what I did of having a pleasure in meeting God of Death Hades himself -he said with respect and little mockery

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Hades: no need to be formal with me young Hyoudou -he said with a chuckle

Issei: well you are confusing one thing sir I am Hyoudou anymore -he said seriously while looking at Hades

Hades: I know you are the older brother of those 2 brats one having boosted gear and other dark saber -he said with smile

Issei: well you are correct but now I am not the brother of those brats -he said calmly

Hades: then what are you? -he asked which earned a smile from Issei in return

Issei: my name Son Issei -he said proudly- but what are you doing here sir I don't think you will come here without any reason right? -he asked with a smile

Hades: that's simple I am here to take you to human world -he said like it's obvious which shocked him

Issei: what is the catch Mr Hades, I don't think you will let me go this easily -he asked seriously

Hades: and why is it that you think I want something from you -he said with a smile

Issei: who knows? Maybe when I set foot out here those traitorous factions will attack me -he said coldly

Hades: you are very cautious about it but don't worry we Olympus didn't allied with those factions just like Hindu faction -he said with smile which confused Issei- you see we know that you are not into that video that those faction leaders showed

Issei: and why is it? -he asked curious

Hades: see it like this a video came out of nowhere from an unknown source don't you think it will be a plan of Rizevim? -he answered at which Issei nodded

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