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i am going to kill daniel.

the day went by and lando couldn't stop teasing me about carlos being jealous, i also texted daniel warning him to be careful next time i'm around.

but now it was time to head back home , as much as i'd love to stay here.

lando drove me to nice's airport but when i was about to head inside, lando gave me something.

"here arianna" lando said while handing me two envelopes

"what's that?" i said.

"open and see" lando was smirking.

i opened the envelopes and saw two paddock passes. tears were forming in my eyes, and i hugged lando.

"guess we'll see each other thursday" lando smiled

"thank you so much"

"you're welcome, ari"

i hugged him once again and went in the airport. i quickly texted julia to tell her that my flight was departing, and i put my phone on airplane mode. the flight went by quickly i mean it wasn't even an hour long. julia was supposed to wait for me at the airport but she had to stay late at work, so i took an uber. 

while driving back home i couldn't stop thinking about this weekend, and how things went so fast, i wonder if i didn't do something wrong, i mean carlos is a great looking dude but i've known him for barely a week...

i didn't have much time left to think about it because when i opened ly front door, julia suddendly came and hugged me as if i've just won the world cup.

"I'VE MISSED YOU" she said while hugging me 

"i've missed you too but could you stop hugging me so hard, i can't breathe"

julia released me and i could breathe again "you need to tell me ALL about this weekend"

i told her how much i enjoyed it, how i became bestie with pierre, how carlos got jealous and how my relationship with my brother seemed to have gotten a bit better. 

"oh that's great, but is lando as good looking in real life ?"

"oh you'll get to see on thursday"


"i mean that lando invited us to the Austrian Grand Prix"


"julia stop screaming, and yes it's real life, the envelopes are in my backpack"

after i told her that julia started to rant about how she didn't have any clothes for the weekend and that she needed to go shopping, honestly i hadn't saw her this much excited since the return of big time rush.

the next morning, we had to get up early because: julia couldn't sleep and because we had to go shopping, she took her car and we went to the nearest mall.

i'm not joking when i'm saying that julia spent 2 hours in the same store and that she just bought one pair of shorts from it. i'm going to kill her. soon enough it was time to eat, but just when we were about to eat, pierre called me. 


"pierre stop shouting please"

i heard julia behind me "oh my gosh is it pierre as in pierre gasly ?"

i whispered "julia shut up"

"yeah i'll stop shouting but answer me"

"pierre, i've been aware that i'm coming yesterday only, plus i'm with my friend and she won't stop freaking out"

i look to julia who's mouthing "that's not true"

"oh yeah that's fair my bad, but you need to come on Wednesday, we're going to get dinner before media day"

"alright, but can my friend tag along ?"

"yeah, yeah of course no problem , she can tag along"

"wait a second, does that mean that we have to take the plane tomorrow?" i haven't realized that wednesday is tomorrow

"yes, tomorrow arianna, you're quite perspicacious aren't you ?"

"shut up pierre"

"as you wish darling, eager to see you tomorrow"

just after saying those words, pierre hung up, how does this guy have so much fans... he is hopeless. i turned to julia and spoke to her 

"i guess you've heard everything, let's go back to our place, pack our things and we will meet each other tomorrow at the airport"

"how are you going to find a flight ?"

"don't worry julia, my brother owes me one"

well, he doesn't really owe me one but as he left me alone to fly back, i guess he could at least to that for me, so i quickly texted him and to my surprise he agreed. 

"that's it we've got a flight"


we went to our respective home, and packed our things for the weekend, i won't get surprised again as i've packed a fancy dress, casual clothes and even a pair of heels. 

the next morning, i prepared myself , my brother told me that the plane was at 3PM, i gave julia the info and went straightly to the airport. i haven't heard much from carlos these days, we texted a bit but he's busy preparing the race, so i haven't told him that i'm coming this weekend, i don't know if either pierre or lando told him. 

i didn't have much more time to think about it as julia came towards me wearing a mclaren hat and a mclaren shirt. when she arrived near me she screamed

"this is the best day of my life"

"julia, we aren't even in Austria"

"yeah you're right i take it back, but still i'm so happy"

"yeah i haven't noticed"

she laughed, and we started to head to the embarkation. i was quite surprised when i saw a private jet on the track, and when we got inside my brother and mick were there.

"je pensais pas que tu serais là" (i didn't think you'll be there)

"je t'ai laissé seule une fois pas deux " (i left you alone once not twice)

i mouthed him a quick merci, because julia started to freak out behind me.

"i can't believe i'm going to fly with two formula 1 drivers" 

oh yeah, she never saw my brother i didn't think about it.

"well, guys this julia, julia this is my brother and this is mick"

they've exchanged a few words before he started to fly to Austria, i won't lie i was a bit stressed during the flight as i wasn't aware of how carlos would react.

we quickly arrived in Austria, and i when i got to the airport i heard a voice calling my name

"arianna ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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