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Today was my first day at a race, it might seem surprising as am I Esteban Ocon's sister but well he always invites our parents and his girlfriend as plus ones but this time neither of them could so he invited me.

I never had a close relationship with my brother, he always was the center of attention and I'm only his sister. My parents put him under the spotlight whenever they could, I always felt like they loved him more because he was promised a bright future.

So this is why I quit my home at 18, I studied sociology in Norway far away from my parents, I graduated last year and it was hard for my parents to congratulate me but well I was used to it.

But for now, I was in Great Britain searching for the Alpine Garage, which I couldn't find obviously. Therefore I started looking around me to find someone who could help me.

"you're looking for something?" i turned around and faced a brown-haired man, he spoke with a French accent he had a white and blue suit.

"hmm.. yes i'm looking for the Alpine garage, could you help me?"

"Why are you looking for it? I've never seen you"

"I'm actually Esteban's sister"

He looked kind of shocked "No way! Esteban has a sister! He never told us"

"Well, can't say that it's a surprise that he hasn't told anyone but yeah I'm his sister"

"Well nice to meet you, my name is Pierre"

"I'm Arianna nice to meet you"

After this short conversation, Pierre helped me to find Alpine's garage, there were so many people in such a tiny piece when I entered I received weird looks from almost everybody, even his team didn't know about me? he's such an idiot.

"hi! i'm Arianna, Esteban's sister could someone please tell me where he is?"

someone spoke up "haha... Esteban's sister? Security get her"

"What?? Could someone please call Esteban before the security"

I heard some footsteps right behind me and a voice raising.

"Arianna? Tu es venue?" (Arianna? You came?)

"Oui je suis venue maintenant dis leur que je suis ta sœur ou la sécurité va venir" I kind of raised my voice, I was pissed at my brother i was aware that we didn't have the best relationship but he could at least acknowledge people of my existence. (Yeah I came now tell them that I'm your sister or the security will come and catch me)

"Oui, oui désolé" (yeah sorry)

He presented me to his team and the man who wanted to call the security apologized and all the people judging me when I first walked in suddenly became very nice to me.

I was also used to people using me or changing their way when they knew that my brother was a formula 1 driver, it was also one of the reasons that pushed me to study in Norway, even if formula 1 is well known there, gladly for me people didn't care. It felt like I was starting a new life there.

"Donc la t'es diplômée ?" my brother asked (So now you graduated?)

"Oui depuis un an c'est gentil de demander" (yeah since one year it's nice of you to ask)

"Écoute Ari, je suis désolé, désolé de tout ce que je t'ai fait subir, j'ai jamais voulu te faire du mal ou quoi que ce soit" he sounded kinda remorseful (listen Ari, I'm sorry, sorry about all that you went through because of me, I never wanted to hurt you or something like that)

"Oh! Donc t'as attendu 24 ans pour te faire pardonner ?" (So you waited 24 years to beg my pardon?)

"Ari, s'il te plaît" his voice was shaky (Ari, please)

But when I was about to respond someone came into the room. Esteban was told that it was practice time, he left without saying a word and as I was alone I started to think about what he told me, why does he care about me? he used to always avoid me.

I decided to watch the practice I went to the stands to see a little better, there wasn't much car practicing, well my brother was there along with two orange cars and a green one, i had no idea of the brand nor who were the people inside the cars. i had to admit that watching the practice wasn't too boring but after a while, i decided to get back into the garages where i found back Pierre.

"hi! Arianna am i right?"

"aha yes, long time no see Pierre were you practicing ?"

"no i have already practiced why?"

"well i was watching my brother and only 4 drivers were practicing but as i know nothing about formula 1, i have no idea of who they are, and as you're the only driver i know apart from my brother i thought that maybe you were one of them"

"oh yeah, well i have a solution, there's a lunch at noon all the drivers will be there, you should join!"

"isn't it drivers only ?"

"well we can bring a plus one, c'mon it'll be fun"

"i don't know Pierre , i don't think that my brother will be happy, and don't you have anyone else to invite?"

"who cares about your brother c'mon Arianna please" he practically begged me and well how could i say no

"alright I'll come"

"cool meet me in 30 minutes in front of my garage "

"30 minutes? your garage? i will never be ready and i don't know where your garage is"

"that's none of my business, see you later" he then started to walk away

"i'm gonna kill you" he turned around and winked.

and i was once again alone and had 30 minutes to look presentable, fuck.

"i'm sorry miss, could you bring me some water" i turned around and saw a black-haired man he was tanned and had dark eyes he had a red polo with Ferrari's logo embroidered on it, i quickly assumed that he was a driver, i had to admit, he was handsome and had a thick accent.

"oh! uh sorry i'm not working here, can't help you"

"ah! whatever sorry" he was about to go away when i spoke to him

"wait! are you a driver?"

"yes why?"

"could you please help me , i'm searching Pierre's garage" i should really stop asking drivers to bring me to another driver's garages.

"Pierre? he finally got a girlfriend? no way"

"what! no, i've known him for only 2 hours"

"then who are you?" he started analyzing me

"Ocon's sister" 

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