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just great

"pourquoi tu fais cette tete ari" my brother asked (why are you making such a face)

"pour rien"I answered a bit annoyed (it's nothing)

"si tu le dis" (if you say so)

this conversation was cut short when someone knocked in the driver's room. esteban told the person to enter the room. one of the staff members entered and told esteban they needed to speak. then, they both left the room.

i checked my phone and saw a notification.

@carlossainz55 followed you back

damn, that was quick. i decided to follow some of the other drivers too. why are f1 drivers so famous? they are just driving one track multiple times. yeah, some of them are pretty handsome but we can't even see their faces while they are driving. i was about to turn off my phone when pierre sent me a message

pierre 11.36 AM:

fancy eating with me and the other drivers ?

me 11.36 AM:

yeah sure!

pierre 11.37 AM:

great meet me at my garage.

i left the driver's room and warned esteban that I was going to eat. i made my way to pierre's garage. one of his staff members told him that i was there.

he then spoke "wait for me i need to get change"

"alright, hurry up"

i was waiting for him when i heard someone's voice

"excuse me who are you?"

i looked around and saw a man, he was way shorter than me.

"i'm arianna ocon and you?"

"wait esteban got married, i thought his girlfriend was named elena" the small man spoke.

"no he isn't not married, i'm his sister"

"oh cool, i'm yuki tsunoda driver for alphatauri and pierre's teammate"

"nice to meet you"

pierre then arrived completely changed.

"are you ready to go arianna ?" pierre saw yuki behind me "hi yuki are you coming ?"

"yeah no I don't feel like it" he responded


we left the garage and headed to the cafeteria charles, carlos , lando and daniel were there. they saw us and waved at us. pierre and i chose our food and we sat with them. i sat next to carlos.

"hi ari" daniel said "lando and i wanted to thank you and carlos for yesterday"

"yeah we were a bit drunk" lando added.

"a bit? mate you wanted mickey to drive you at the hotel" carlos said

"about that? could you please don't tell anyone" lando asked.

"yeah sure" carlos and i responded.

the lunch went by very quickly, we've laughed quite a lot. well except for charles he seemed really distant. it was soon enough the time for practice. so everyone left the table charles left last which gave me a chance to talk with him for a bit.

"hey charles are you alright ?"

"yes why are you asking"

"don't know you felt kind of distant"

"you've only known me for a day,we don't know each others, we aren't supposed to be best friends you know"

ouch it hurts. charles left quickly after saying this to me. i understand but he didn't have to be so harsh with me. i haven't done anything wrong. i decided to not worry about it.

as i arrived in esteban's garage he was already in his car, ready to practice. i decided to stay in the garage for this practice someone gave me a pair of headphones. i heard my brother in it.

practice finally ended and esteban ended p7. i quickly looked at the other driver's results carlos p2, charles p3, and pierre p10. esteban got out of his car. the qualifications started a so 4pm they had 2 hours to get ready. i quickly congratulated my brother and decided to sent a message to pierre about Charles's behavior.

me 2.05PM :

hey pierre do you know if everything is alright with Charles.

pierre 2.06 PM:

yeah why ?

me 2.07 PM:

don't know he was a bit harsh on me, like i went to speak to him and he kinda told me to fuck off

pierre 2.08PM :

don't worry about him, he likes to be a dick sometimes

after texting pierre i decided to make my way to the paddock once again. i was hoping to bump into carlos once again. the paddock wasn't really crowded. i quickly got in front of ferrari. but no signs of carlos. i sighed. as i was about to return to alpine i heard a familiar voice.

"arianna? what are you doing here?" it was the voice i was hoping for.

"carlos! i wanted to congratulate you I've watched the practice"

"thank you arianna, but you know that he doesn't mean a lot"

"yeah but still you came second"

carlos smiled and looked at me.

"i know you can do it, carlos i believe in you" i said.

"you know it means a lot to me, but aren't you supposed to cheer on your brother"

"yeah but i also support you and pierre y'all are my favs"

"that's nice to know arianna, i like being supported by a pretty girl" he said while smirking

wait? was he flirting with me? i felt my cheeks turn red.

"do you want to stay at ferrari's garage for the qualifications" carlos asked me

"can i ?"

"yeah sure I'll tell mattia don't worry"

"great let me just text my brother"

i sent him a quick text. and carlos led me to the garage. everyone in it was speaking italian and well i can't say that i'm fluent in italian. so i didn't understood a thing of what was being said. carlos gave me a quick tour of the garage which was red. like fully red. even the bed in his driver's room was red. visiting the garage wasn't quite long but it as soon enough 3.30 PM so carlos had to get in his driver suit. he went to his driver's room and rapidly came back his suit around his waist. i couldn't help but to stare at his body. i mean have you seen him? this man looks like a literal god.

"you know i can see you staring" carlos said snapping me back to reality.

"i wasn't staring" i said

he just hummed as a response, he went in his car and the quali soon started.

Q1 ended and Latifi, Seb, Bottas, Stroll and Magnussen were out.

Q2 then ended leading back Mick, Albon, Yuki, Zhou and Alonso to their garage.

As Q3 started we heard a loud noise coming from the track.

"someone crashed" i heard one of the staff member saying. i took a look and saw a red car in the barrier.

Smooth Operator - Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now