A Lion's NightLife

Start from the beginning

a few more years have passed as Rasshu holds her own in her place; the Lion's Manor. The manor looks like a sleek building with sharp edges and a dark red, gold, and black color scheme... resembling nothing ever seen in Japan.... Many new demon slayers visit this place for training and when they walk in they are greeted with a purple outfit that hangs on the wall of the building... the same outfit that her late brother used to wear during his training... but besides that, the manor was the perfect size when it came to her training! She would become known as the strict teacher that slashes her pupils with her wooden stick if any student was being unruly! And among the hashira, she didn't talk to many except Sakonji, often forgetting the names of the others but she was viewed as nice overall! As with her being the second oldest hashira, she was often paired up with everyone. Daichi would realize how well she adapted to others in a mission, usually bending her forms to accommodate her teammate's styles, it was a sight to behold! Lastly, with her being older than most, she would often be seen secretly roaming the Demon Slayer Foundation at night, keeping watch while everyone slept, seemingly being accompanied by Daichi as they would talk about a plethora of topics.

Returning back to Rasshu in the current day. The Bravery Hashira, sitting on the roof of her building, looks at her students below as they enjoy their break time... but while sitting under the hot light of the bright sun above, one of Daichi's crows land next to the bravery hashira as she gently pets its head... the crow fluffs up its feathers as it relays the message sent, "an abundance of recent demon sightings in region C: entertainment district! Rasshu Benaio has been requested to go in solo and put an end to the commotion! The estimated culprit: a tall and absurdly-lean demon that has been spotted around the area!" The Hashira nods to the crow and accepts the mission as she jumps down into the training field below, alarming her students! She puts her hand up demanding everyone's undivided attention as she cancels the classes until she returns, dismissing her class she returns to her manor, packing some belongings since this might be a long mission from how the culprit isn't set in stone and there seem to be low sightings of that demon, making the hashira question if he is real and not some person running around... getting ready to set off on the journey to her district, she is escorted to the train station by Sakonji; her best friend but recently a crush of hers. Sakonji just caught wind that Rasshu was going on a surveillance mission as he explains that they are pretty low-risk, high-reward missions. Usually, these missions are just false claims that take a month or two to be finished so it's like a mini-vacation in his eyes! The lady hashira chuckles a bit as she exclaims if she doesn't make it back, he'll have to pick up the slack and start teaching again! Both waving to each other as the train departs with Rasshu in it!

Listening to the bustle of the train carts, Rasshu looks beyond the window, looking at the scenery passing by her as the landscapes mix into each other... She laments to herself as she wonders where she's going to stay, whether will she be feared because of her appearance, and how lonely is it going to be...? Shifting in her seat she puts her hand on her sword hilt and rests her eyes... drifting in her dreams, her body lays relaxed in her seat, and then *BAM* her head hits the seat in front of her as she is rudely awakened from the brakes of the train! Hearing the intercom blare loudly above her it calls out the destination: Entertainment district, Yoshiwara city! The tallish hashira gathers her bags as she stumbles off into the bustling city! The hashira's eyes gleam at the packed roads and the loud noises as her memories flood in. The last time she was here was when she first became a hashira, she and her buddy; Sakonji traveled throughout this assigned region to help her get a feel for her duties and this city was one of the last stops during that trip. Yoshiwara was a city known for having the most lavish and highly praised citizens in the world as this city was considered to be quite the rich area but what no one talks about is the dark underbelly that permeated through the back alleys; the poor living conditions, the high pollution rates, the high rates of abuse and sex trafficking, even the big celebrities that live here try to stay away from those sides of the city. Walking among the crowded roads, Rasshu holds fast to her map desperately as she attempts to locate where her temporary lodge is... but each time she makes progress, she is swiftly distracted by some unruly citizen or some big booming sound! The hashira tries to keep up a strong and stern appearance but the more she stays out in this mess of a place, the more her stature wobbles and her senses dull. Looking solemnly up at the sky, she looks at the sunset as the night lights begin to cut on one by one and more people start to flood the streets! As if this couldn't get any worse, Rasshu violently gets shoved into another person in front of her as the map gets blown out of her hands into the air above! After her embarrassing fall, the tall lady stumbles up as she brushes the dirt off of her black uniform just to realize what happened to her... Frantically, she scans the nearby area to find any resemblance to a map but after a few minutes of trying to find it, she gives up and starts to freely roam the cramped streets...

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